
Still the best comedy news/doc re Death Row:

The FanDome demands it!

Sorry - brain fart. Of course you're right.

Fuck you! I was there just last week, and I loved it (again).
Spain, on the other hand…

Watch "The Longest Day".
Hoskins is amazing, and very British, in it (also "Mona Lisa")

I know a guy who looks like the exact mid-point of the two. He would blow your mind.

Add in that Rafe Spall is a real actor, that stuff can get confusing.

I don't even know anymore.

What would your answer be though. Mine would be "get that in writing".

The Mute-tator - a quiet root vegetable.

I think it's still the '80s in (and around) Steven Tyler's head.

That song still irks me - "nothing lasts for ever, even cold November rain".

Cake jumping!
Jumping through cakes!

I had a personal space issue when I first got engaged (oddly because I grew up with a small house and a large family). We were living half a mile apart, but had been together for four years. In the end, we did buy a place together, but on the understanding that the second space was for "unicyclistperiscopes use only".

My depression has me occasionally acting like a total bastard to the most loving and giving person in the world. Until it was diagnosed, my wife could not understand my shifts in temper.
Now, she recognises little things that I do when I'm having problems and trying to shield her. She'll insist I let her in. It's the

I met Mrs periscopes when we were young (I was 20, she 18) in our second year at university. I'd taken a year out to earn cash, and she had been accelerated to university at 17.
We had a mad sexual chemistry, but each was with someone else. We enjoyed each other's company loads and just about kept our hands off each


Ejiofor would be my favourite for next Bond - Craig was in his mid/late 30s when he took on the role, so that's a good fit. plus, like you say, he is a great actor. And he can rock the fashion icon aspect too: http://www.imdb.com/title/t…

It's probably set in 2010 so that they could buy used cars to trash and pretend they're new.
(accountant logic)