
That's slightly more cooperative than the schools on this list though.

That was one that passed me by, mainly because I'm too old.

He looks all white but his dad is black.

That final sentence makes it - especially the heavy accent on "quorum".
I'm on vacation next week, and will be watching this movie again.

I love Arkin's "spaghetti-bending butt" rant in So I Married… (as mentioned in the list above): it was a masterpiece of the chewing-out style, quickly made hilarious by the earnestness of the feedback request.

But, but, nobody comes to The AV Club to waste any time.

Yeah, but that took lots of precision and/or trial-and-error to find the right place. Cassingles were great though, because they usually repeated the A- and B-sides so the fast-forward function was effective.

Close enough.

And there was much rejoicing.

But you know what that means to you. Live to that.

I do have a bit of a man-crush on Mad Mikkelsen, so it's not too far out there.

Obviously a rich kid: my walkman was the base model.
Three buttons: Play, Stop, FFwd.

Mrs periscopes has made it abundantly clear, many times, that if my genitals cheated, she would remove them and feed them to whomever was the other party. I think her stance backs your point pretty well.

"For the kids" is the worst. I, and my sisters, told my mother that if she didn't split from our step-father she would never speak to any of us again.
This was just after four policemen had had to drag me off of him because I responded to the latest drunken beating that she "obviously deserved"* from him.

I wore 4" heels to my pub one Halloween (the theme was "Rocky Horror"). I bash my head on the low beams regularly already.
That evening hurt my bonce.

The worst ever break-up for me was with Mrs periscopes.

"[D]on't be an asshole" is a good first step. I was just saying last night in conversation with friends (about race, creed, gender and sexuality) that Bill & Ted had it right with "be excellent to each other". I think that implies a little proactive behaviour from time-to-time, but mostly means not being an asshole.

You should have hyphenated all the way through.

It can be two things.

The expectation of donors is the key here - how many people would give say $300 expecting something like $130 of it not to go to the charity's work towards its stated key purpose. Of course, overheads exist - but this is ridiculous.