
The only reason I ever tell anyone where I studied is in telling them how I met Mrs periscopes, or is it's in relation to something stupid I've done.

There is a village in Austria called Fucking.

Is the movie sharknado based on real event or just made up?


Spending $12m from an income of $28m on fundraising etc is a disgrace.

You might be right - it is very similar.

Everybody needs to see The Book of Mormon anyway - it's obscene, offensive and hilarious.

Surely it should have been "Stewart Lee - Stand-Up Comedian"?

One film. It was the Yang to the Yin performance in "Four Weddings…", a film I love and watch often despite her performance in it.

I often paraphrase: she was like a candle in the wind. Unreliable.

My friend comes up with some amazing "facts", and Mrs periscopes and I have adapted a song from The Book of Mormon as a response: we sing "you're making things up again, Astrid".

Fish. Chips. Cup o' tea.

I have a friend who's half-Irish and a bit daft. I often explain to her the difference between small things and far-away things when she says something silly.

I mentioned this on another article recently, but I use "fuckitybye" whenever I want to get rid of someone (and sometimes when I'm leaving the room).

I do get called "Partied-Out Phil" by my wife and friends whenever I've imbibed too much.

And lilac trousers.

All of the names were just Clawful.

It's even worse for me - I'm in the UK, and I am also pretty certain I'm the only person here who watches it.

It was even British in the 90s. It's been passed around like a cheap whore on a stag night.