
Gut barge.

Hence your keeping people under your stairs?

Our sofa back height was measured for just that reason.

You have a queasy-stomach fetish?

Yeah - he'll have to get aides to help him remember.

I feel kind of strange in my political views - I'd probably be seen as liberal in the US, but am just right of centre in the UK.
I feel that we should look after our weak and vulnerable, but I feel very little sympathy for people who can, but won't, help themselves.

When I see somebody who is "obviously"* a junkie, I bristle.
I have had some problems in the past after trying to help one, and one of my sisters also had problems, so it's based on experience.
Still, I hate myself for trying to help anyone in need except those I see as belonging to this group.

We have two traveller communities near my home town.

I had that experience growing up in rural England.
I then went to a very international university, where I started being nervous around all of the different ethnic groups. By about two months in, though, my nervousness had gone.

… and so do the dogs!

Not really.
It came out when I was at university. Being in the UK, rap hadn't really taken off, and I usually felt left out because it was the genre I listened to most.
I was pleased that it was a big cross-over hit here, because it meant other rappers had a chance.
Also, I enjoyed the song for what it was.

You wish.

I enjoy the odd adult thriller - probably my favourite is Caché (Hidden)
It's great

Watch "Submarine" by Richard Ayoade.
I loved it - it is very British though.

Watch "Black Sheep", a hilarious NZ movie (2006) advertised as "The Violence of the Lambs".

Now I've got the "Homes Under the Hammer" theme going round my head.

It was the early 80s, and in the countryside.
Everything was fucked up.

What a git.


Or, heaven forbid, Corrie.