
Mrs periscopes and I have a slightly different relationship, in that she consumes porn and I tend to be blindfolded.
Having said that, she does normally close her eyes in concentration (and I have asked the questions Dan was suggesting last week - that is in part how I tend to be blindfolded).

Speak for yourself. I'm not sentient.

50,000 friends so as to get lost in a crowd?

I'm an extrovert - and assertive.

I got ESTP-A (entrepreneur, so I guess I'm lucky not to be French or I wouldn't know what to call myself), which kind of sums up my approach to life.

My friend who had the MF was so careful that he put it back into its box after playing with it. He never even let me touch the damned thing.
Other friends were better.

Ah, the one true Transformers movie - 1986

Me too - except that we were poor, so I had to watch my friends get the AT-AT and the Millennium Falcon, whilst I had a second-hand snowspeeder (without the glowing cannons that had come loose). Not that these things stay with me…


I just walked away from that parade

The Naked Gun saw Ludwig not exactly enjoying the parade.

That title is just amazing.

My cat is so patient that she waited until 5.20 to wake me up this morning (Sat). A five-minute lie in is very generous.

It might just be a Republican senator.

Buying an album for the cover art- I did this with Galliano's "A Joyful Noise Unto the Creator", which subsequently became one of my favourites of the 90s.

You're right.

Burn notice!
Bag it, tag it!
All burns out!
Phoney bologna!
Tick tock!
Magnitude, party of one!

You've got about a decade of it to come.

I don't think her speaking from experience means that she is presupposing.

Scurvy - vitamin C deficiency.