
That was my point to her. I suggested that I could bang someone up (not her daughter - she doesn't want kids), and then hand the child over for mother-in-law to raise if she really wanted. That went down about as well as a cup of cold vomit.

I have been called selfish, by my mother-in-law no less. My wife has never wanted kids, but it's my selfishness that's stopping us. I railed at her(m-i-l), and she has since backed down, but I can't help but think that she sees it as my responsibility to provide her with grandchildren.

Oi luv it.

As a childless 40-year-old, I can attest to feeling slightly alienated by people who continue to ask if there's something wrong with me or my wife.

He'll definitely go back to playing the weatherman on the not-Frasier TV news sitcom that wasn't cancelled.

I'm a person.

And then you just had to swallow it.

Thanks for the link: I just read that review. The comments there are terrifying - everyone defends the movie.

I'd love to ignore these movies but I keep reading, and responding to comments on, articles about them from the front page of The AV Club.

Bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep nini bong

… on Bonfire Night, I hope?

"two", "job" - good work, fella.

I'm in England. That's why I prefaced my initial comment in that manner - "Christian" seems to mean something different depending on location.

He's a witch! Burn him!

Hooray! I've always wanted to be considered a heretic.

I'm very (very) pro-sex.

She hates cycling of any stripe. Mainly because of hills.

Thank you - I do believe that there are a lot of people who identify themselves as "Christian" without understanding that Christ was progressive.

I guess my progressive Anglican churchmanship means I see more socially conscious Christians than I do conservatives.