
Coriander leaf

Another commenter from a tiny English Cathedral city.

I'm a small-town boy - my local pub:

Mrs periscopes starts every day with a lovely cup of tea. Made by me. Other countries never seem to have anything more substantial than Lipton's Yellow Label, and we like a proper brew for breakfast.
Also, the rolling boil is important.

Instead of going out for a meal, try this:

I'm sure I've mentioned it on here before, but "Logan's Run" was made the same year Mrs periscopes was born. I bought her a copy for her 30th birthday. That didn't go down too well.


I watched Empire Records recently.
It's kind of sweet that everyone bands together to save a record store from becoming just another in a chain of record stores. That's right, a store that sells records.

It probably seems less depressing because we got through it.
Bad news stories get traction, but humanity is generally good.


It's a bit like being a Brit and complaining about the lack of a good cup o' tea. Or that the beer is chilled and refreshing.

Never say anything in Welsh whilst enjoying the pleasures of someone else's flesh, at least not before you've clarified certain peccadilloes. Spit and phlegm are specialist substances when included with love-making.

They should have called the sequel "Ong the Bakginning", laughed for about three seconds, then quit without filming it.

They are lovely, expensive things. But they really do last a lifetime - proper kitchen investments.

The main reason is that we have very few Mexicans.
We have Indian restaurants and local pubs with Michelin stars, but all we know about Mexican food is basically watered-down Tex-Mex. It is ghastly.

I know chefs who spend all evening cooking fine food, then go out for McNuggets.
"Builders live in the worst houses", etc.

That film still affects me to this day. Literally - just this morning, I walked Mrs periscopes to the station, and wished her a god day in "Lon-don"

He just comes across as that kind of man on TV, so I'm pleased he's the sort of bloke who buys a pint for a stranger.

Cilantro? Mom? Paper route?
I hope there was some editing here.

Made my own pastrami for the first time - excellent.
Been enjoying asparagus: I only ever eat it in the British spring season.