
Really? Excellent.
I didn't see your comment before posting above.

If Pegg has any say in casting, Kevin Eldon will be there like a flash.
I love that guy.

It is fairly good, but there were no paragraph breaks.

A bit peckish, are we?

He didn't say it, but I think it was implicit in the "give sex a go anyway and acknowledge that your fantasies probably won't come true" approach. The problem with telling an 18-year-old to think differently is that she will most likely become entrenched. Kids are dumb.*

As I posted above, I felt your pangs to move and acted on them.

Almost exactly five years ago, I moved back to my old hometown. I'd been living in another city for 11 years, after agreeing to give it five years for my wife.
We eventually discussed why I was struggling (my depression hadn't yet been diagnosed, but we were getting there) - where we were living was part of it. I had

I'm going to miss those huge glasses.

Excellent username - comment synergy.

Wait, what?!?

All three classics (Speed 3 is my favourite), but you cannot leave "A Chrismassy Ted" off the list.

I loved Kate Winslet in it - gleefully filthy, just as I always imagine her in my, er, inner thoughts.

For me the specificity of it being a Sea Parks is just hilarious. I love The IT Crowd.
I have tried BBT three times, but never bothered to tune in again to watch on a regular basis.

I was a country kid (Wiltshire), so for me the porn was in what we called forests. But they were probably just hedgerows.

As an accountant, and one who used to spend this time of year filling out personal tax forms, that bit was dead on the money to me.

You're from the suburbs in the UK, I take it from the use of that phrase?

Except me.
I'm a super-villain. Honest.

Yes, but it was boiled.

Will Emma Thompson also be on?

It was everywhere - usually kids/men who'd bought porn, but couldn't take it home because of mother/partner, would hide it. And we would find it.