
Black Books' pilot is also a highlight - "The Little Book of Calm" has never seemed so sinister.

Mrs periscopes and I sing "Fuck it all!" instead of "Let it go".
We don't have children.

My wife effectively introduced me to porn.

Your edit should probably have been earlier, on Dik's question about who you're ashamed about getting off to.

[salutes General Butt O'Dor]

As mentioned in the article, it had a weird effect in the UK. Most of us could not watch the show, but everyone could buy the merchandise. It was a bit like going to McDonald's and getting the toy to a movie I knew I wasn't going to see until it was released on home video two years later.

The A.V. Club
Simpsons reference

I spent the weekend mostly trying to convince Mrs periscopes that I'm not angry about her losing the watch I gave her on our wedding day. It's just stuff.

Happy birthday for last Thursday!

Didn't she want to see it then?

Sounds like Channel 5's sensitive "Freak Show" series, which so easily could have been real:

Jane Lynch is the reason I first sat down to watch Glee with my wife. I regret that now, as we still have to watch it (not my choice). You dodged a bullet there.

Mmm, chocolate….

"made a living as a psychic […] but she should have known it wouldn't last"

Surely it's not so much "fuzzy on the specifics", but "fuzzies in the specific"?

You're right. I do occasionally ask her. We have a very frank and open way of communicating with one another - normally.

It's probably the dancing. It always is with me.

As a relatively athletic muscular guy in a very respectable type of career, I love the frisson of transgression too. It is even more fun with a partner who understands, and actively engages - I'm probably a very unusual straight-identifying man who enjoy clothes shopping with his wife.

I have a humble-brag confession.

Watching McKellen flirt with One Direction, then recite their lyrics, on the Graham Norton Show, I can understand how anyone would want to be with him. You are right - a genuinely great person with a wonderful sense of humour.