
I was offered a three-way fairly soon into a relationship with an ex (her best friend was the other party). Both of them were seriously hot, and I was only 20 years old and not expecting the relationship to last.

Nickel Creek is one of those bands that I picked up on by listening to Bob Harris - they're not very well known on this side of the Atlantic, but I have enjoyed everything I've heard on the radio, and on the albums I'v bought.
I will probably give this a go.

Downton Abbey:

The Democratic Republic of the Congo?

I see "Snuff Box", and raise you a "Father Ted" (written by Neil Hanlon of The Divine Comedy IIRC). Properly demonic.

The Bill - I couldn't understand the love for it when it first came on the air. But I felt like a proper grown-up when I was about 13 (three or so years later, when the iconic "walking" credits came in) and started watching it properly.
That opening was epic.

I'd say that's a close second for me, behind the A-Team.
Both are hugely evocative of my youth, but the latter sprang instantly to my mind through the fug of 25-30 years of brain abuse.

Or maybe chill out.

So you don't want them to end up seeing red?

Indubitably, sir.

My favourite argument was with my sister-in-law. She's very argumentative, and never concedes a point. I cannot even remember what we were discussing, but I'd had enough of always being the peacemaker. So I just said "you always have to have the last word, don't you?" and walked off. She just stood there, trying to

My action figure has no clothes!

"What do you mean you didn't arrive on a donkey?"

I wish my* cat (pictured in my avatar here) ever had pity in her look. It was always pure detestation.My other cat is just too stupid to have anything other than a blank expression.

Opening with a compliment, and closing with a compliment in order to give feedback is what is known in my peer group as a "shit sandwich". You trust that the bread is nice enough to get the appraisee to swallow the bad news.

You're a masochist. They will never love you back.

"owned" a cat - not possible. It should be ""been allowed to feed and care for" a cat, surely?

My cat eschews the idea of anarchy - she knows she is in charge, and controls the household.

AAARRRGHH! No! Not the bees!

Hey, we're not all angry.