
Happy Future!

Sounds like my wife.


[holds up piece of paper for comparison; nods in agreement]

Making someone run around the kitchen table works as torture in my house - it's against a wall.

Now pay attention, double-oh seven. That goes in here, unless you're G, in which case it goes in there. If you're L, it doesn't go anywhere, and if you're Q, you just pop it in your mouth, like this.

Well, what is the best expression?
Stop beating around the bush, and tell us!

Pizza is like sex - I'm not allowed it.

15 Storeys High was great. Sean Lock is one of my favourite guests on QI, as I love absurdism.

The Wrong Mans also has Benedict Wong, who was my favourite guest on The IT Crowd (Prime). It's enjoyable, but the premise feels a little stretched: Baynton is terrific.

It's amazing how much I've always enjoyed puns: my nostalgia for them knows no bounds.

All the best for your new home; it's a great opportunity for the new start.

The storm seems to have passed through Salisbury now - just a few trees down. The power went down for about two minutes at around 5.15am, but we escaped any damage.
There are a few trees down, roads blocked, etc., but I'm glad we only get weather in the UK, not a properly bad climate.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Roll it, Pat it and mark it with B,
Put it in the oven for Toddy and me.

Minotaur rape? What a load of bull…

DVD??? Lawn, etc.
We had to put up with an old top-loading VHS recorder, and a TV on a trolley that looked like it was converted from a WWII motorcycle. There was no remote for either

Watched England be comprehensively beaten by Australia in the Rugby League World Cup. Boo!
In Rugby Union, Bath won on Friday (yay!), and I fell asleep yesterday, whilst watching Wasps-Leicester, after drinking three bottles of red wine. Am now feeling delicate.

Liked for making a fort in First.

We too had the Zeffirelli version. Our English teacher thought it would be a good idea to show that to 27 14-year-old boys. Hands on desks!

Greg Davies delivers (as ever) in Man Down, but I feel that the whole thing is a bit hacky. Mayall is fun in it, though.