
That was the official variant in my primary school, too.

hasn't that already been made? The Sex and the City movie with Kim Cattrall?

You say that, but the 5s has a metal back that's surprisingly malleable. It's also a bit lightweight. I preferred my old 4s - you felt like you could glass someone with that.

The issue with homicide is that the rush wears off, and there are diminishing returns. You have to keep killing just to keep from going insane.

Owls are assholes; cats just selfish.
Incidentally, most of my friends think I've made my cat up because she is so anti-social.

[rings bell; awaits response]

I got a Snickers bar with a razor blade in it.


Only if this isn't an answer.

Justified's ancient feud between Boyd and Raylan needs an appropriate tune.

I blame the teachers, er parents…

Unfortunately, teenage kids think everything is deep, and relates to them.
Fortunately, I watched this movie with a bunch of people in their late 20s, who all just thought it was kind-of-cool.

Naughty Elephants Squirt Water

It must be true then.

I do own a Miata (called MX-5 here). I am a shade over 6 foot, and have a fairly large build from years of rugby.

Exactly. Perfectly put.

*sprints to pub*

I just want to belong…

No such thing as overabundance of pints.

Dam gummint, takin whisky from my children.