

NuNickleback is all about the downvotes. They don't even need the like voting button.

"galloping abs" = sexy diarrhoea

Holy crap, that's poor writing.

Just over there. You can see where he wiped himself on the curtains.

Especially "find another male lead to slip inside its waiting role".
I've read exactly two paras of 50 Shades…, and will never read more.

Yeah - Luther is probably closer to Braquo than The Shield is. I still loved the second season, just not quite as much as the first.

Good luck fella - and hearty congratulations for taking your life in hand.

Any Bryson is good Bryson: I have a real soft spot for his writing style, and we keep copies in our spare bedrooms for guests to read.

Two points, er, two flats and a bag of gravel.

At least you get to follow your team in the HC (Bath fan)…

You're right.
I'm currently re-reading the books (I'm on "Death is Now My Neighbour", which is the twelfth full-length book of 13). They're great books, and Amazon sells the complete collection for pennies.

All the best, kid.

I've not seen that Sweeney episode: did he have to put his trousers on because he was nicked?

It was a little surreal when he visited the Magna Carta in my home-town earlier this year - not least because it was a relatively low-key visit. We simply do not do hype here.

As @putacorkinit:disqus says, they had to down-play some of the achievements, because it wasn't believable.

"The Dead of Jericho" was adapted by Anthony Minghella. I liked it, but the allusions to Oedipus Rex were clumsy (as they were in the book).

Zunar J5/9 Doric 47 in "The Cat from Outer Space" used his powers to get the funds to repair his ship. He was a nice cat.

It is an amazing book, and I'm sort-of glad that Goldman hasn't managed to write the sequel yet. Having said that, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

It was opening weekend of (possibly the last) Heineken Cup, so I watched lowly Exeter play 40 minutes of amazing team rugby to destroy Cardiff (a team that was expected to do a lot better). Exeter took their foot off the accelerator in the second half, but were still comfortable winners.
Edinburgh did extremely well to