I’m really disappointed to learn you can’t change your own wiper blades. It’s a 30 second job, and fresh blades are $10 for the pair at Costco. Man up, Drew.
I’m really disappointed to learn you can’t change your own wiper blades. It’s a 30 second job, and fresh blades are $10 for the pair at Costco. Man up, Drew.
Seeking : Football coach
Qualifications: 4 years experience at D I university, understanding and appreciation of Kant’s categorical imperative
That’s ridiculous. Wilson is clearly a Kant man.
Gordon ran into Phillips, who fell hard.
So maybe it’s not “locker room talk”, it’s “Old entitled asshole” talk?
I suspect the “locker rooms” he goes to at Trump-branded golf clubs, filled exclusively with boorish entitled rich white old men like himself, might have somewhat more of the casual sexual assault talk than professional sports’ locker rooms.
Um, maybe these “athletes” should get out of their safe spaces and spend some time in a real locker room. This is exactly the type of talk you should expect to hear at a country club golf course.
Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...
Other mermaids.
Follow up: why do you mispronounce coupon?
If he, Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence showed up in the same place at the same time, I think everything would spontaneously explode from that much likeableness in one place.
So we can all agree that The Rock is pretty much the most universally loved man in America, right? Follow up question, am I okay to wear a Rock teeshirt to the gym as a 30 something year old man?
Interesting how Baylor’s treatment of their Title IX coordinator, “what a greedy little attention-seeker” is so similar to how people tend to treat women who claim they’ve been raped by Baylor athletes.
Don’t know and don’t care. I love this. Now it only works if he picks up the next first down but that’s a supreme fuck you to #45. You know, with the tomatoes and sour cream on top. This cream just happens to be extra sour.
I love Serena and I’m glad she’s been speaking out about this. There has been so much shit thrown at her that the fact that she’s remained relatively composed is beyond my comprehension. I don’t know how she does it.
Why not? It’s legal tender and any intentional damage caused to your car by the shop in retaliation is a crime.
Great story Samer, thanks for sharing it. The Bluto reference slayed me.
Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.
I noted that and was pleased that no-one forced the contact issue, I did a little squee at Trudeau demonstrating good consent decorum. *swoon*
Awww, I think he tried the “high five” move, which is good for kids - much lower commitment and less intimidating than a hug or handshake.