Already been done — enough times, in fact, that I can't suss-out from IMDB which Scrooge origin story is the one that I saw as a kid.
Already been done — enough times, in fact, that I can't suss-out from IMDB which Scrooge origin story is the one that I saw as a kid.
Since I can't be on again while Trebek is still host…
Wow, this thread is intensely cynical even for AVC.
"I know you want to make it to the top young man, but how many people do you have to drive over in order to get there?"
When they really want to confuse people, they run For Love or Money.
I suppose Slaves of New York would be a prime exemplar of that genre. I have a feeling if I dig that book out and read it again, the ensuing flashback may be strong enough to put me in a coma.
I really should watch that again — haven't seen it since the original run in the USA (on PBS). But I read the source book by Roland Huntford, and wow, that book was hard on Scott. There was no positive takeaway whatsoever. Huntford's point was that people died because of Scott's hubris, and that is a shitty reason…
My wife absolutely loves The Holiday, and I've come to be fond of it & defend it. I think it's because it's relatively free from contrivance (aside from the high concept house-switching premise). I despise many or most rom-coms because characters end up acting like horrible fucking monsters in order to satisfy some…
Holy. Crap. Sky Bandits is my cinematic white whale. I always wanted to see it, but I missed the theatrical run…and subsequently it never got a video release in the USA as far as I know. Or at least I was never able to find it on video in periodic searches over the course of like 10 years. But at this point it has…
I wish I'd seen this post earlier! I'll have to mention your recommendation to my relative who wrote the screenplay. (The director came up with the original, insane story.)
"Ford Fairlane" will always be relevant as a complete evisceration of the music industry at that time (and for all time). The writing was truly merciless when it came to the business.
"Cops are here."
"How many?"
"…All of them, I think."
The source material was written by Iowa native W.P. Kinsela (he even named the protagonist after himself). I wonder if that line was in the book?
Are you me?!?
Huh…I never knew that about the fifth one!
The best parts for me were the parts that were NOT over-the-top action. There was one stunt where Willis slams a bad guy down into an office chair and gives it a running push towards a down staircase, and I'd swear the stuntman was going about 30 MPH when he hit those stairs.
The best thing about 3 (for me) was the dialogue. A step above what you might expect in an action movie (even in the already sharp "Die Hard" series). However, as an action movie it does suffer somewhat in comparison to the others.
I don't know, but mentioning BBT around here usually attracts copious amounts of vitriol, so you need to tread lightly!
I don't know…one of the true heroes of the book was the Chinese submarine captain. The Chinese were shown to have made mistakes, but so was every other nation that was not Israel.
I've always thought that Jim Parsons' character on Big Bang Theory was somewhat inspired by Christopher Kimball.