The domestic Red Dwarf pilot failed here, too. You got a problem with dwarves, America?!?
The domestic Red Dwarf pilot failed here, too. You got a problem with dwarves, America?!?
"Screenplay? What's a screenplay?"
I thought Nightwatch/Daywatch were his "one movie" (er…two movies). Let's see: Batshit-insane action, over-the-top characters, mass destruction, and set in Russia. I think he got his cinematic bucket list out of the way in his first two films.
You'd probably do well with National Lampoon's Doon by Ellis Weiner. Actually, all kidding aside, I thought that was a brilliant satire. It not only parodied the characters and events in the book, but also Herbert's actual writing style. It was better than it had any right to be.
Wow! Thank you for teaching me something I did not know about Raimi/Evil Dead.
This time, the protagonist is Satan!
I didn't hate it, they did nail the "Jump" concept and made some of the more innovative action sequences I'd seen in a while. In retrospect, the action had that same wacky energy that I liked in Ant-Man.
Sometimes I think that Michael Bay could conceivably make a very good film, IF he let someone else direct the action, and IF he had a great screenplay, and IF he weren't a raging asshole.
Yeah, like I said…this used to be par for the course. Now every summer popcorn movie director thinks he's an auteur — or studios treat them that way.
Well, "Raimi" is a weird way to spell shaky-cam!
I just defended Supremacy in another thread, because I thought that whole coda at the end — where he confesses to the daughter of the couple that he assassinated on his first mission — was so nicely emotional. It sort of made the point that all of the preceding mayhem involved human beings at the center.
You may be right. The person who originally told me this, said it in sort of a mocking tone. But when you think about it, that's sort of how it was always done in the early days. Some of the great directors in history left the action stuff in their films to other professionals, and the films certainly didn't suffer…
Yeah, I had originally heard this as second-hand information from a relative in the industry…and then they come right out and say/show it on the Mr and Mrs Smith Blu-Ray extras. Even that scene where Brad & Angelina fight in their own kitchen was entirely realized by the "action director".
True fact: Doug Liman's action movies are the best because Doug Liman doesn't direct any of the action scenes.
Y107 was great. IIRC, Chris Hardwicke was part of their morning show team. (That's not necessarily why Y107 was great, but yeah…) On the plus side, its demise did get Kat Corbett a job at KROQ, so now there are TWO women with daytime air shifts at a Modern Rock station in a major market!
Oh, man! Those cartoon cameras getting pummeled in the owners manual always broke my heart. I'M SORRY, LITTLE PENTAX!
What always pissed me off about Bieber (OK, one of the many things that pissed me off about Bieber) was that the reason he was discovered was because he was a young kid who could play the shit out of a bunch of instruments, AND sing. So the industry steps in, and what do they do? Turn him into yet another…
Aww, thanks! While its true that the format mutated into bro-rock (I called it Testosterock), it's not like they stopped playing Nirvana, Soundgarden, and all of the stalwarts from the station's peak — they kept those acts in heavy rotation. However, they DID stop playing all of the female acts from that era, so no…
The opposite happened in Los Angeles, when KROQ — arguably one of the most influential alternative stations back when that mattered — stopped playing female artists basically overnight. Over the next few years, they would only ever keep 1-2 female acts in irregular rotation at any given time.
"People will look at the ashes of Westerburg and say, Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school WAS SOCIETY."