Johnny Socko

I can definitely recommend this one for the atmosphere and location shooting alone, which is what lured me into a couple of re-watches over the years. The performances are also first-rate. Basically, it's a pretty good film right up until the antagonist is introduced, then it kind of falls apart. (Although the

I was 10 at the time, and I remember practically my whole school being hyped for this, so they had definitely built-up some anticipation.

Q: What do you call a drummer who has broken up with his girlfriend?
A: Homeless!

Well, God did not intend for there to be a Texas either, so it all evens out.

Don't listen to Markthulhu! It's a fact that the advent of the single space between sentences, and the denigration of the Oxford comma, were the work of troglodyte journalists desperately trying to preserve precious column inches!

So I'm late here, but…wasn't "Speedy" also Lloyd's self-styled nickname in The Freshman? "Step right up and call me Speedy!"

"If you want a picture of the future of Christmas, imagine a Santa boot stepping on a child's face…forever."

Well yes, exactly. It was not until years later that I discovered (thanks in part to an article on this very website) just how involved the Jewish members of the cast were in creating the tone of the show.

The Freshman is legit one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I think it lends itself to a remake, which in the right hands could become a hit with today's audiences. (And no, "The Freshman" with Matthew Broderick & Marlon Brando was not a remake.)

One of my favorite films. It's a strange (and random, and possibly unfair) categorization, but I've seen Night of the Hunter described as the best film ever made by someone who directed only one film.

Years ago, I got so fed up with KROQ's (my local Alternative FM station) male-dominated playlist, that I created an internet radio station at Live365 that was dedicated to all female artists & vocalists. I ran it for five years, and it was the most fulfilling hobby I've ever had.

F Troop! I really miss that show in reruns. I like how it used absurdity to address relations with Native Americans, in an era when the only time you would normally see indigenous people on screen was when John Wayne was shooting them.

My daughter (a first-grader) is all about this show, and I'm happy to be pulled along. I had no experience with the previous incarnation from the 90's (except that I bought the soundtrack, because it was produced by the guy from Jellyfish), but I love this version's irreverence toward normally stolid DC characters.

I assumed he didn't force the homeowner because it could leave a trace (or many traces) that would lead back to him. An above-board real estate transaction will not get any notice, but a suddenly-disgruntled homeowner will…in about 10 hours. (As would a suddenly-missing, presumed-deceased homeowner.)

I love the original SW: Battlefront, and that fast gameplay that you described. But I've seen conflicting information regarding offline bot battles in this new game: A commenter upthread straight-up said that this game does not have them, whereas a commenter at GameFAQs straight up said that it DOES have them.

"We now return you to your…rek-lurr-lee…scheduled program!"

If nothing else, Blame It on Rio has Michelle Johnson nudity, so Jaws still comes out as worse.

Fun fact: I was working at the Century City mall when they were shooting Fatal Beauty there. I got to see them shoot-up a popcorn cart with squibs.

Exactly. Hell, I saw Unbreakable when it first came out, and even then I thought, "This would make an awesome series!" Really the only problem I had with the film was that it ended right when it was getting interesting. A TV series format would have allowed them to execute on all of the themes that the film had

sigh — Once again, beaten to the "Particle Man" reference.