Maybe he was referring to Pete Best…
Maybe he was referring to Pete Best…
Personally, I think that Collins does have a distinctive style as well as mad skillz. It happened to me several times where I would be randomly listening to an album by Jeff Beck or someone, and I would think, "Funny, that sounds like Phil Collins on the drums," and later I would check the liner notes and discover I…
"Those were Italian."
Thank you for the recommendation. I read "The Strange Career of Jim Crow" by C. Vann Woodward in a college history class many years ago. I'm thankful there was a subject matter expert like Woodward who was able to bring these stories to the masses.
Maybe this Wilkerson guy is pastor of the fake church that Kris Jenner set up in Calabasas as a tax dodge…
I know that I am in the minority on this, but at least I knew that I could share my contrary opinion at the AVC without getting flamed. I foolishly tried the same thing years ago at Rotten Tomatoes, and they acted like I had just killed their dog (or their anthropomorphic, cooking rat).
Greetings from the only person who not only doesn't think Ratatouille is a great kids movie, it's not a great film, period. I have never found cooking to be a compelling subject for a film, and this one did not change my mind. It didn't help that the film had serious issues with pacing, IMO.
No, I want to know what's up with the background guys in "Dreams".
He was so effectively annoying in that film, and my biggest laugh was his brief scene immediately after being electrocuted.
"You're nothing but an unstable short-chain molecule!"
"You have a weak electro-chemical bond!"
What about "Buzz", hosted by Annie Wood? It was basically "Dating Game" meets "The Gong Show". Does anyone remember that, or were my girlfriend and I the only ones watching? Hello…?
I liked them, but I was a sucker for any female-fronted alternative or indie-pop band. It was my escape from the oppressively male-dominated sound of alternative radio at the time. I even started a curated Live365 station that played only female alternative artists.
Umm, I'm just now seeing this, thanks to no email alert from Disqus. Sorry. But yeah, you can buy direct from when the issue lands, or even find it at some newsstands or Barnes & Noble.
I didn't know that she's now a TV executive, but I did know that before she was "Vitamin C", she was frontwoman of the indie-pop band Eve's Plum (I bought the CD).
I boycotted Sony for years over that. I finally broke the boycott to buy a Sony compact digital camera — which was rendered superfluous a year later, when cellphone cameras caught up to it.
Oh man, Fury Road is going to be covered in the next issue of Cinefex. Time to resubscribe?
Gay as a French Horn (what - I was like 14 - it was a different time then!)
That was basically a version 1 test mask that the filmmakers had created as a proof of concept. They had intended to make a hero version with more flexibility, but Disney nixed it for budgetary reasons, so they had to just work with the original version.
Agreed, this was a fun thriller that got pretty good reviews, and was even recommended in the little guide that HBO used to send to subscribers every month. (And that's were I watched it…many times.)
I don't think you've got this whole "Star Wars geek" thing down. I mean, my neighbor would've refuted my claim with a 1000-word rebuttal. And footnotes.