I was wondering about how they got the same employees every time.
I was wondering about how they got the same employees every time.
God, I love her.
Did a guy create this graphic? Because the seat's up, and our poor girl up there has enough problems, man.
They're called period shits and they're a real thing. The first couple days of my period I almost live in the bathroom, so I pray for it to start on a weekend so I don't have to answer any awkward questions at work.
That's what paused me. Why isn't whomever this was taking their moment for good publicity? Why wasn't a specific airline mentioned? The Heathrow statement isn't about this particular family, but just about their attempts to accommodate passengers in general, per EU rules (and they even note that when demand outstrips…
This must suck if someone changes job or a shop goes out of business?
Am I the only Canadian reading this that suspects that this is a This is That broadcast equivalent? God, I love This is That.
Um is that even possible? To have a plane just show up at the same gate all the time? Radio 4 has a history of making up these stories for that show.
That's what I was thinking. Flights are delayed, cancelled, employees quit or are transferred. I just don't see how something as inherently unpredictable as travel can be managed in a way that creates the exact same experience each time.
Call me a cynic but... it just doesn't seem possible.
The residents of Boston yell "Fuck you" in just the same horrifying accent each and every time.
I wonder: What happens at the US airports? They must be doing similar, or he wouldn't get on the plane, right?
Right, I don't see any reason why some people losing everything means that people who did have other losses that were significant but less than everything should feel they are insulting those who lost everything by trying to get back what they lost. If she were trying to get FEMA funds well sure then maybe. But this…
No, the lawsuit isn't insulting; it's business...it's not personal.
I think it is weird to drop $100-$200 on a blouse when your salary isn't going to be any more than $45k. Tops. They're working beauracracy in small town America. Most blouses are going to be picked up at JC Penney and TJ Maxx.
One thing I liked about True Blood — the first season, at least — was that the costume department said that they didn't want to have a waitress in rural Louisiana dressed in Dior. So they specifically went after Forever 21 and Delia's and other stores that a girl like Sookie would actually shop at.
Ah I wasn't aware of this. I just googled it and apparently similar cases have been overturned and re-sentenced (I found one of a young defendent that was given under the mandatory minimum sentence for distributing pictures of his underage girlfriend). Hopefully the same thing will happen here then.
I knew this would crop up on Jezebel, and why why whyyy didn't you include more information? Al-Jazeera has a more detailed analysis, including what the bill ISN'T. Quotes from Twitter already indicate misinformation that the proposed bill is for ALL pregnant women — and it's not. The AG himself says the aim is not to…
I agree with the author as much as the next person, but would it be so horrible for Jez to ever cite sources when making arguments? For example, "drug addicts who fear repercussions are less likely to seek prenatal care than those who aren't using drugs" - source for that? It would strengthen your argument…