
ouch. So, is this something you feel like you can work through? Even if you don't react to life and its challenges the same way you both need to have respect for the way the other person deals. Two way street. Do you feel comfortable telling him that you want to be able to go to him with problems but feel kept at arms

O.K. as a tall woman (5'10" in my bare feet) I can say that height difference has a couple different components. 1. Not gonna lie. Tall ladies still sometimes want that "traditional" height difference thing. We spend a lot of time having insecure guys make comments about how tall we are. They can get mean. Really

I can be kinda analytical so I move past the whole "feeling shitty" part by 1. a killer workout to pump those endorphins. 2. Step back and see where I was wrong. This does not mean I assume responsibility for everything, all it means is that in any major blowout there isn't just one person at fault (unless your fella

@wilw aka Wil Wheaton. He is pretty all over the place but consistently entertaining.

I nearly broke up with Mr. Unholy over something similar. I knew he read for fun and profit but when I first met his family? oof. We were going to spend a few days visiting his family and when we walk into their house ... no books. No books in the kitchen. No books in the living room. I am starting to panic. Go back

My college roommates and I have done this every year since we all graduated (so, going on a decade), though we do bring the husbands/SOs sometimes. Depends on where we go and what we are planning on doing.

UGH. I know! In interviews about him and his intellectual prowess other actors/writers/directors always talk about how he reads books on set. This always confuses the fuck out of me. Reading on a TV or movie set is a great way to pass the time. Sets are boring as all hell and you need to be really fucking quiet. Hmmm

Apparently that is NYU.

blerg. All the worse because fast food places often don't keep their deep fryers hot enough so things are less "deep fried" and more "boiled in vegetable oil."

He at least has a BA or BFA from UCLA and an MFA from Columbia. As far as the rest ... you are probably right and TBH his graduation from the UCLA and Columbia programs is probably more than a little suspect.
Not to mention the whole thing where arts programs LOVE to enroll high profile names. I know CalArts states

There is a handy guide here.

I keep wondering when everyone decided he is an intellectual. Yes, he has graduated from several impressive schools. I am not saying he is stupid just ... I don't know.
I do give him credit for using his name and influence to adapt some really difficult (on many levels and in many ways) novels. As I Lay Dying and Child

Season 2 is like a totally different show. The two seasons have very litle relationship to each other.

I am rightly and properly shamed.

Almost seven years married and I would say the sex is different from when we were first dating, different from when we first started living together but not worse. It is like discovering an awesome new food. When you first find it you are all "omg. I could eat this all day every day until the end of time." And it goes

For true. I eat all the things.

Manic Pixie Dreamcicle was talking on the Post-Apocalyptic YA Novel post about how she hacked a DVD player to make it region free. I have not done that but have often considered it. My worldly TV viewing has also made me desperate and cranky. I feel ya.

it is out there ... you know ... in places. You can also get series one in region 1 DVD and the second series in region 2 DVD through Amazon (obviously you need a region free DVD player for the region 2 DVD)

Sorry guys, I am having trouble reading your replies through the haze produced by Michael Fassbender's smokin' hotness and Jamie Davis' abs ...

Since Jezebel only encourages me in my questionable TV choices ...

Hot, sexy single demons straight out of Hades you say?
Please enjoy this gif of Michael Fassbender as Azazeal in Hex