OMG This is like the Live Action version of that comic where the little boy is harsh to his new three legged puppy but the puppy is just a puppy and in the end you see that the boy also recently lost a leg and I can't see to type or make any sense because of all the crying. My dogs think I am crazy again. Awesome.
I once used the word "pretty" ... the spirit the compliment was approved but my word choice was not appreciated.
I am with you on this all the way though I admit after my initial thought of "YES! Adorable condoms!" my second thought was "ooooh. Pretty sure dudes do not want the word "adorable" applied, even indirectly, to their penises."
Between Madeleine Davies' post about Skins and this post which I am saying is all about The Tribe, you all are seriously making me feel better about my questionable TV habits.
off I go to add some folk to my twitter follow ...
Good call on Ebony. I love Ebony when she is not spun-out crazy because of virtual reality brainwashing.
Lex was a rapey asspanda.
Bray was idealistic to the point of stupidity.
Pride was rockin' the sort of situational ethics I can get behind. Or (even later) Jay!
I will say forget the hotties. I want Jack, Dal, Ellie, and Alice on my Apocalypse Team.
O.K. that's it. I'm done. You are my favorite person ever. Just generally awesome AND familiar/a fan of the same obscure (in the US where I am), post-apocalyptic, Kiwi, teen soap opera I love? My undying affection, it is yours.
Also, did you know the whole first series is available on Hulu?
OMG YES! I was just binge re-watching this show and poking around looking for other people who were even familiar with it!
OK. I just posted a thing to my blog. It is titled "I can tell you I don't have money." Subtitled "But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a fairly short career."
cool! I can do that, I think. I can definitely try to do that (as I said elsewhere, Try, Fail, Try Again, Fail Better.)
There was a GREAT show called Furniture To Go. Two guys who would refinish all kinds of furniture. The stuff they go into was a often more complex, lots of woodworking and stuff, but they would also do simpler projects.
How you can tell I was a lost cause of nerdocity as a kid. In 1993 when Furniture To Go was first…
I would LOVE to write a thing on GroupThink eventually but I can't post there yet. :)
I acquired them by going to school for Stage & Film Props/Set Dressing. This is an expensive and silly path if all you want are the upholstery skills (it will also fill your head with lots of useless trivia on how to make or fake lots of random items).
The good news is if you have a handy/crafty bend of mind you can…
That sofa makes me want to hit GoodWill and find some awesome fabric and bust out my underused upholstery skillz. I love it. I don't love it $24k worth though. I love it $500 and a couple of bruised thumbs worth.
Yes! That hair is an example of everything that is right with the world.
Oh yeah, it isn't that we don't get heat waves here I just know that they will end and we will get delicious REAL cold. Too cold to snow type cold.
The heat you all have going on is beyond ridiculous. I don't handle heat well at all, there is a reason I like the upper Midwest. I like the cold. I like SNOW. I thrive in the frozen north.
I am sending you all icy cold thoughts (in a good way).