
1. A Giant hug 'cause damn, that sucks.

1. I think "wildly" is an overstatement. Most people I know actually don't care all that much. They are opposed but it isn't as deeply rooted as you might think.

IDK it feels like a list of things that defines her ... but absolutely don't define her. Am I making sense?

Yup. Your phone company can get copies for you. It is easier if they are still on the phone but even the old ones can be had.

O.K. Take it to the cops and get print outs from the phone company so you can delete them from the phone itself. I get it. You don't want to carry that shit around in your pocket. So get hard copy so you can clear it out.

Document document document. Just like PeteRR said. Take these documents to the police. They won't be able to do much/anything right now but starting a paper trail is important. The sooner you start it the better. That is how you establish a pattern of behavior. Block him on social media. Block him through your cell

I just hugged Mr. Unholy.
I gave Mr. Unholy the short version and he was horrified. This isn't a "guy thing" and it isn't O.K. Not O.K.

Ah. That does make a big difference. Having a regular GP or Internist would help a lot. With a walk-in clinic that level of bluntness may not be a good idea. Depending on the Doc. you could get anything from a brush off to an attempt at a psych hold. So much depends on the Doc's own history with psychiatry.

Are you not comfortable with your GP? 'Cause bluntness is O.K. Now your GP might say "Hey, this isn't really my area of expertise lets find you someone else." But Hell. If you are comfortable saying "Knock Knock." go for it. You may not get the exact answer you are looking for but you will get a start.

The answer is sort of, Yes. Mr. Unholy put together a plan using info from a bunch of internet sites and message boards. So there isn't really a link to give just because he used a ton of different sources to put together his plan. One of the sites he used a lot was Serious Eats. Do further research as needed but that

PEOPLE! We made Sous-Vide steaks using an electric kettle, an electric thermometer, and a beer cooler. It was amazing! Fancy cooking redneck style.

Mr. Unholy looks like Seth Rogen at Seth Rogen's sexiest.

Hey! It works for me!

This cut is actually the same as the super awesome suit I just bought that I love so very very much.

He might have, but I could swear he had it at one point.
Feel free to post more pictures proving me wrong ... or right. Whatever. More Lenny abs is what I'm saying.

I want to say Lenny Kravitz has his navel pierced and he is a Sex God.

Eh, I thought about that but the genders still are not really relevant even then. What is relevant is that one partner's sexual identity is now (potentially) in question. That does make a difference in the advice.

I binge hate-read Prudie. I actually tweeted about hate-reading her and she tweeted back that I should write in to tell her why she is wrong. :/

Infidelity is a human issue, it is not specific to one gender.

That was awesome! Thank you so much.

I have no idea what any of that means.
Why must the reply be "Skip!"? What does that mean? So, "Seppo" has a different usage in Australia?