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I was confused by the AGT video because the content being referenced (the performance of two ADORABLE metal performers) doesn't start until about 2:30.
That said, adorable heavy metal singer is adorable.

Here, have a parrot singing "Let the bodies hit the floor"

Nope. Tyra is speaking with the voice of the world here.

"I'm picking up milk at the store."
"Great." ... hmmm no that seems sarcastic. 'oooh MILK ooooh yum yum. I LOOOOOOVE Calcium.' <delete>
"Great!" ... why am I that excited about milk? I mean I like milk an' all but really ...

I am very guilty of ellipse overuse. I once told friends that they would have to pry my ellipses out of my cold, dead, hands ...

I am pretty sure this is a first. Yes, Tyra. I know that exact feeling so very well.

For real. Where is the asshole cutting onions in here?

Fair enough. Like I said, I was just trying to be clear on what the issue was.

Wow! You are right, I never noticed the resemblance before. Nope, not McConaghay. He is Daniel Goddard.

Ernest, agenda free pondering. Cant it be both?
Paps should not be snapping pics of little girl's butts. Full Stop.
There is nothing wrong or inappropriate about what she is wearing. Full Stop.

Hear hear!

mmmhmmm. Mr. Unholy, who is capable of having nice things and not immediately breaking them and crying, has A pair of RayBan aviators. I have 4 pairs of sunglasses. Two of them I know their current location. Of those two one pair isn't broken.

I hate myself for looking but I actually don't think they are the same. The first two pictures are RayBan Aviators, you can tell by the style and the logo in the upper right corner of the right lens. The third pair don't have the RayBan logo in the corner. The first two are each different too. The shades in picture 1

OMG The show too! Featuring Emilie de Ravin as the Forest Demon Curupira. I miss that show. Why isn't it on Netflix?!?

Debby Ryan's shoes are all kinds of no. The black dots look like bugs.
Like these

... and yet hubby and I love yelling "F*CK YO' HOUSE FRANCO!" He should be riding the line between Beloved and Reviled, now that he got the This Is The End bonus points.

That's a "No" on actually paying money to wear a literal hair shirt ... I mean coat.

That said, I am very much for chest hair on men. Hairy like a Wookie baby .... mmmmhmmm.

Maria Sharapova looks like Allison Janney here.

I started playing First Person Shooters, but it is all O.K. because while I don't love them *all* there are several I think are fantastic.

Nope, don't think you are crazy. I also have a fear of driving and I don't even live in NYC.

Spit is the miracle cleaner! It is also the A-#1 best way to get mustard out of delicate fabrics. Mustard dribble on a silk blouse? Lick it clean!