
I knew people in college who did it with a pulmo-aide nebulizer (this would have been in the early 2000's). I did not partake myself but according to those I knew who did it the articles are right. You feel very drunk instantly and for about 2-5 min.

I had never heard that. Makes sense that current stresses would be triggering for agoraphobia.

I am aware of rape kits, but as you say if there is no comprehensive care immediately after the event (say, the woman showers) a great deal of physical evidence can be lost. Additionally, as others have said, because there is a legal, consensual analog to rape even the presence of physical evidence (semen, for

1. I would love to see more women's sports articles.
2. so, it has only been tracking since the start of June? Is that right? So after colleges let out for the summer and during the NHL and NBA play-offs (not to mention MLB getting into full swing* and NFL heading into training camp)? Not saying that we don't need more

Spit balling here, thinking "out loud" as it were and not at all saying that there isn't a significant cultural component ...
O.K. do I have enough qualifying statements?
I wonder if some of the difference in perception of the behavior of sexual assault victims vs. victims of car jackings, muggings, beatings, armed

being publicly exposed as a racist can very well be part of a career meltdown. Also use of the word "meltdown" was needed for the visual butter pun. Humor, how does it work?

See everyone keeps saying that but I prefer Northby North West

So, can we call it? Paula Deen is in a full on, careening, meltdown?

Yeah, I think it is probably a pet name and that was supposed to be an @reply but it got fucked up.


NP! :) Yup. An American thing. I wasn't trying to snark when I asked if it was a real question, just wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic.

I figured you were around 18. I am truly not trying to be an asshole here and I am not saying you are not an adult, just that you haven't been an adult for very long. Between 18 and, say, 25 there is a lot of personal growth to be done. Learning about who you are when you are on your own, no longer a dependent. I am

Is that a real question? I am answering like it is real. A WASP is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
You know the stereotype of the Old Money, uptight, snobby, person from New England? That is the WASP stereotype.


I understand all that ... I know that 16 is the age of consent in the U.K. but there is a world of difference between being a legal adult and being a grown up. I am not saying that anything illegal took place, just that it is icky. There is a lot of maturing that happens over the course of a life. 18 is barely an

I *think* board shorts are so long because they a cooler, temperature wise, than a full on wet suit thing but long enough to protect tender areas like the inner thigh from board rash when surfing. (anyone not from a landlocked state and/or who knows how to surf want to back me up or shut me down on this?)
As to why

YES. And if anyone says anything the response is always "You wouldn't say that if the ages were reversed!" Like fuck I wouldn't! I will call that icky all day long. I don't care who you are.

Not gonna lie, probably gonna get hate ... I find her relationship with Aaron Taylor-Johnson icky. The whole adultery thing is icky. The number of years in the age difference is fine, the fact that he was barely an adult when they first got together is what bugs me. If he was a little bit older and had a few years of

Eh TBF the coffee thing is overblown. There are just as many valid studies that say coffee has little to no impact on fetal development as say that it is bad. It is just one of those shamey things "Why would you even consider it if there might possibly be a tiny chance it could hurt your baby you complete MONSTER?"

What? No! I thought Gladiator sandals were just an awful flash in the pan fad from like four years ago? Four years is not long enough for them to have become either retro OR ironic.

As for the rest? Fuck it. I'ma be barefoot, Hobbit style.

I am so torn. Of the 4 shows listed in the article I have never seen or heard of 2 of them and think the other 2 are awful. So, YAY more women in power positions in TV! ... Filling the channels with shows I find un-watchable ...

The guy went too far with "sham of a wedding" but the brides are objectively awful. I think what hurts most is how utterly they shattered my image of Canadians as supernaturally polite and nice.