Andrew WK is HILARIOUS on Twitter. Also his live fan chats are so. much. fun.
Andrew WK is HILARIOUS on Twitter. Also his live fan chats are so. much. fun.
Hey! I just want to say I love your handle. I have seen you around a few times and it always makes me chuckle but then I get distracted by shiny objects, internet frippery, or the actual words you put out there for people to read and I forget to tell you that your SN is awesome.
The way this slips by people and they think "Oh, Christine Odone has a point." is that celebrity unions are under a high-power lens. It is easy to think, "Oh shit. How bad would it suck if my every public argument with my S.O. was grist for the tabloid mill? I can see it now 'Unholyghost calls husband "Asshole" in…
Yeah, I was on that same thread explaining that eating gopher feet would be silliness. If one is going to eat gopher why eat the feet?
Be proud, Redneck Whisperer is a rare calling! Together we can help bridge the divide.
I think they were joking. I mean I guess it could happen. People are all kinds of weird but why? You would lose the bounty, there is like NO meat on the feet, keeping the feet for eating is going to make skinning harder ... it makes no sense. I have personally never eaten gopher (that I know of) but I would expect the…
I am guessing you are in an actual city in WI not living in Adams County or anything. Because the gophers are a pest species that cause enough damage (largely crop damage) to warrant a bounty just a regular pest control service wont work. This isn't a dude who makes his money pulling the occasional gopher out of a…
No. No one eats gopher feet. Some people eat gopher, but not the feet. The feet are what you turn in for the bounty. The bounty on gophers is low, $1-$3 per gopher. So people store the feet until they have a whole bunch that will make turning them in for the bounty worth the trip.
You theoretically can eat the bodies but people don't usually do that. Tails or feet are used as proof that the gopher was killed because you have to physically turn in evidence to the DNR/Fish and Game/Whoever is running the bounty program and they no more want a sack of rodent bodies dumped on their desk than you…
I clicked wondering how in the hell a person comes up with a value for gopher feet but Pest Bounty makes total sense.
You wouldn't have to count them like a creeper to notice $5k in bounty feet are missing. I checked and the bounty on gophers is $1-$3 per gopher and requires that 2-4 feet be presented as proof. Gopher…
I think that is where the "non-negotiable" part of what ItsARampageLana said comes in. There is a subtle but distinct difference between parents who believe that spanking is an acceptable form of discipline and those who think spanking is the only acceptable form of discipline.
I am here to make your day! I did not mean cats. I totally talk about cars as "presenting." Remember, what has been seen cannot be unseen. If you look at a lot of the cars on the road (most common in mid-00's models) they totally look like they are lifting up their automobile butts as an invitation to sex. It is really…
Understand that I am for the legalization of marijuana, buuuuuuuut people can and do "spiral down" with weed. Miley's quote reads like she thinks that marijuana is totally safe and free from the risks of dependence and addiction. It isn't. In a vacuum alcohol and marijuana are about the same when it comes to risks of…
YES! Thank you! I use this concept to describe cars all the time but I just called it "presenting" *raised eyebrow* I am so happy to know the correct word for what I am trying to describe.
I think I have it.
and HOT (meaning it would cause you to retain a lot more body heat)
Nope. :D I have actually used variations on this handle for many years before the Chess Putnam series came out.