
I also watched The Operation while eating dinner. I wear contact lenses and so am generally fine with eyeball related touching. This image and article?

Because I am a terrible person (seriously. Mamas, don't let your daughters grow up to be me. Sorry mom.) in the truly intractable "I'm not a racist, but ..." cases I like to bust out the ol' European racism. "Oh! Your family originally came from Wales? Sing me a song ya sheep shagger!" "Norwegians are just mountain

In a twist that defines irony in a way much better than Alanis Morissette ever could, I have known of people who wanted to go into treatment but couldn't afford private facilities (SHOCKER! Addicts are not usually rolling in cash) and so got wasted, got in their car (in park, parking break engaged), and called

I am all over the place today. Perhaps I over caffeinated. Moving on.

I don't get the hate. In general and more specifically because:
Helloooooo bigots! Um there are a TON of Hispanic folks in TX (and other places) who didn't cross the boarder, the boarder crossed them. Your conclusion jumping is ridiculous. Being white

Now playing

Ooof. I understand the reasoning for court ordered rehab but if the people who are ordered to go are not ready for rehab ... they are not in a place where they recognize the problem and want help ... it isn't going to do anyone any good.

Also, fuck you very much for the earworm. I am going to spend the rest of my day

I agree. Kitsch isn't terrible and *he* isn't box office poison ... he just isn't good enough to make a bad movie good. There are few actors who can (though they do exist). As a solidly average actor he just needs to pick his projects very carefully to show him in the best light. He doesn't have the acting chops to

Now playing

I don't know what you have seen Nicholas Hoult in but dude. can. act. I promise you! He really can. What he can't do, apparently, is pick projects to save his life.
If you haven't seen Skins (I would say "UK Skins" but there is only one. Just like there are three Indiana Jones movies and three Star Wars movies and if

I feel like they are very wrong and not just because they are ugly. The way they are divided (down the middle vertically) spoil the good things about both sweats (soft, comfy, stretchy waistband) and jeans (making your ass look great).
Two great tastes that are really fucking awful together.

On a fairly rare (for me) serious note, people who are afraid that gay marriage will be bad for straight marriage make me sad. I don't mean I'm sad for they gay people they are oppressing, though they deserve a sadness shout-out too, I am sad for these straight people who are in relationships/marriages that are so

Mere moments after my husband finally decided to give FNL a shot and fired up Ye Olde Netflix I checked Jez and there was Riggins! Kismet!

YUP! Petra!

Hailee Steinfeld is STUNNING. Such a beautiful girl and I can't wait to see her play another badass in Ender's Game.

"humorless testicle cozy"


You and all my "swingin' single" male friends. That is part of why I wonder what is taking so long. My single male friends are all "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"
There was a dissoluble polymer injection for the vas deferens that was talked up a couple of years ago and I thought was going into human trials, but I haven't

Along those lines, if "Forced Fatherhood" is so terrible and such an awful risk ... where are the reversible, non-barrier, birth controls for dudes? Seriously, every few years we hear about a pill or an injection for guys that puts the onus for non-barrier pregnancy prevention on dudes and then ... nothing. Nothing

Yeah, what is the deal with that? I had this problem when I was heavier, I know other people with this problem (and it isn't limited to women. I know heavy men with this problem too). Someone, somewhere decided that fat people are short and tall people are skinny. The weirdest thing about it is that if you are in the

Yup. I came into the comments (before I even finished the article) to see who beat me to it.

Yes ... Brangelina, is that you? "We don't know how to use amazon.com. Too confusing!"
Obviously this whole thread will be one of the first scrubbed and, depending on how important I am, perhaps the other participants enticed to "forget" what was said here.

In my heart I believe that step 1 of any famous person's rise to fame (meaning actors, musicians, socialites) is getting an agent who knows who to hire to SCRUB THE INTERNET CLEAN. The lack of internet presence prior to fame should lend evidence to Illuminati conspiracy theories, that clean.