
Yup. Nothing like settling in at night with a book, sweet Little Dog jumps up on the bed, turns around and I get a full view of her anus opening and closing as she farts in my face.
Dogs: Not for people with a weak stomach.

I agree. While kids that age pick up crap like that from their peers as much as their parents the household atmosphere clearly has not thoroughly impressed that this sort of behavior is NOT O.K.

I *love* the toile!

I am all for "Tighten the Tackle" ... it is a problem that fixes itself! Dudes dumb enough to do it are pretty much guaranteed to be rendered infertile.

OK. Water and rice are blended and sitting over night because if that is how mom does it that is the right way to do it.

Derp. sorry. literacy fail. read the recipe again

Thank you! ... 7am isn't too early to start making horchata, right? Right!

Nope, never. Never even heard of it.
I need to learn to make horchata from scratch. The mixes scratch the itch but they are not quite right and I can't spend all my time loitering around Mexican restaurants.

Never even heard of that. Maybe I have been out of Wisconsin too long.

OK :) just thought I would check.

I love Wisconsin. Wisconsin has many wonderful and beautiful things to offer the alcoholic beverage industry. These are almost all beer based. Durr Wisconsin, know what you do well and just fucking DO IT. Don't try to get fancy.

What? No.

so like horchata with rum? why would anyone ruin lovely horchata with booze? Booze makes many things better, horchata started out perfect.

People who regularly play video games in my family: Baby B-I-L (male, 12-24), Husband (male 25-44), Me (female, 25-44), My Mom (female, 45-64). My mom plays a TON of video games. We trade games back and forth all the time.

Only on The Inbetweeners

I saw those! Too cute. I just ordered a bunch of blank, printable, Shrinky-Dink paper from Amazon with no plan as to what I was going to do with it. I might use some to make some earring like those!

Right ... that is what I was saying... being awesome is an often repeated activity for New Zealand.
"Once again" can be used to mean afresh, once more, or recently. It can ALSO be used to mean continuously, regularly, repeatedly. I was using the second meaning.

I found an etsy seller who makes things very similar (but nothing currently in her shop is in that awesome canary yellow. sad face ) and does custom orders ...

Seriously not trying to nit pick you just want to be clear ... Peggy Bundy had the giant, red, bouffant wig. Kelly Bundy was played by Christina Applegate and had pretty normal (for the era) blonde hair. Did you mean Peggy?