
I hope so. I had a legit little twinge of sad when I heard they broke up and I am not usually one to get emotionally invested in celebrity relationships.
I have heard that they are getting back together but absent anything "official" I am trying not to get my hopes up too high.
They are just both so busy (good for

?When what fell out of favor? New Zealand? It never has with me and I don't think it ever has in general. That "once again" wasn't a 'glad you made it back' "once again" it was a 'knocking it out of the park every. damn. time.' "once again."

In my "celebrity worship" moments I want Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence to get back together, stay together, and have beautiful, magical, talented babies. If they love me (which they don't because they don't know who I am and have no reason to) they will do this.

Michael Cera was totally pushed from my mind as an overpowering urge to wash Juno Temple's hair completely overwhelmed my thoughts. So much so that all I could think after the requisite "Steamed bathroom mirror" shot was "Oh thank god! She washed her hair!"

FUCK YES. I was *JUST* talking about her back on Friday on the Little Mix article.
1. yes "Royals" is awesome but
2. Million Dollar Bills has that great dance beat too, it needs to be THE Summer Jam '13. Can we please make that happen?
3. The whole EP rocks my face and I listen to it on loop.
4. NEW ZEALAND being fucking

This does not sound like a youth fad. This sounds like a small handful of morons. Not everything that more than one person does is a fad. I know of a dozen adults who juggle bladed weapons while riding unicycles (don't ask. my life is weird) that does not mean that "Unicycle knife juggling" is a fad sweeping people

and weirdly those are two of the very few that are not entire meals. Most of the grandmas made an entire dinner, not just one dish. The Steak and Chocolate Pudding wouldn't stand out so much if all the other grandmas had each only made a single dish. I wonder if it is the result of language barrier? I wonder what he

I have never personally known any of those "Awesome Cooking Grandmas." Of my own grandmothers one couldn't cook to save her life (She used her oven and even her microwave for storage. She couldn't even nuke frozen dinners right) The other knew how to cook but was always on some fad diet so she never really made the

You are correct madam! Though OP did say of anyone alive and Sir Georg Solti is not alive. The tie with Quincy Jones (who is also alive last time I checked) is worth noting though.

Yeah. I have been known to lose track of time (growing up is a bitch. I could SWEAR 1990 was just, like, 10 years ago) but the twins ... they are 9 MONTHS not 9 years and I did not lose almost a decade of time.

What if I am just really bad at word games? I played along and on the first two fill-in-the-blanks I got SEX and BAKED ... so I am just lust buzzed, maybe?
For the silly "NO C_NDO_S" I spent a lot of time staring at the letters (ignoring the "NO") trying to force them to somehow spell CANDY. I like candy.

Aww. Thank you! The only payment I receive is the rarest of all internet commodities, the milk of human kindness.

I mean. I don't even know where to start. Until the penetration he could have gotten away with it. Wrapping up with another human, skin to skin, is a way to treat hypothermia. Was it necessary in this case? No. But people do all kinds of dumb, over the top rescue shit in emergency situations. He totally could have

Mr. Ghost has one of those tungsten rings! He loves using it to open beer bottles (we are super classy at all times). Our friends like to hand him beers to open and tell him to "do his husbandly duty." My band was purchased on our honeymoon because we forgot to buy a band for me before the wedding. It looks cool

I was exhausted after a long day of waiting tables. Mr.Ghost offered me a drink and handed me a bottle of champagne that was in a box. Being stupid with weariness I thought it was just a bottle of wine or a nice beer he packed in an old champagne box to keep it safe on the drive (we were long distance at the time and

Yes, yes it is. I was hoping to find the 'slow pan down, Super!Simon in the shower reveal' gif but I couldn't find it. :/ so I just had to watch a whole bunch of other Simon gifs. It was terrible.

Forgetting Wal*Mart for a moment, while I understand the idea at the same time I don't really understand the idea. I can wrap my head around hiring musicians/singers and comedians for Shareholder Meetings (for any huge company). I don't understand hiring actor type celebrities. Musicians and comedians are people I

I was a bit worried about seeing Iwan Rheon as The Bastard of Bolton but I should have known he would rock it. Bastard of Bolton is more the direction Simon Bellamy was supposed to take (I love you Simon! Best imaginary Superhero Boyfriend EVAH!)
The wagging of the sausage at the end of the Dick in the Box video really

"Russian concert" and "French concert" make sense if you are talking about the languages. Like I said, I don't think RiRi speaks Welsh. If she does I will be seriously impressed!

or you could say "Turned up late to a concert in Wales" I understand not saying "Welsh concert" because that makes it sound like the concert was to be performed in Welsh. I feel strong in my belief that Rihanna doesn't speak Welsh. I also understand not specifying where in Wales the concert took place because 1. the