
I want a brown Red Viper and a full on Sand Snake Benetton Rainbow.

WAIT ... how is "unwanted sex" (as a thing separate from rape) specific to women? AFAIK "Beer Goggles" affect both genders equally.

WARNING: Consuming alcohol may cause you to believe you have super human rhythm and improved dancing skills.

I thought we all decided that only assholes buy bottled water regularly and the cool thing was filling a fancy bottle from the tap?

I am always taken by surprise with Prince Harry. For reasons I don't understand inside my head he is permanently 17. So I see a picture of a handsome ginger gentleman about my age and it never quite registers as Prince Harry. "No no!" my brain yells, "Prince Harry is an irritating child. He is not a handsome, age

If the actors might eat it the food will be edible (no shellac or hairspray or anything), that said, there are miles of difference between "edible" and "appetizing." Prop food that might be eaten will not poison you ... but it wont necessarily have the tastiest ingredients or flavor combinations.

That is crazy sauce. I can't imagine that. What a strange notion. *If I am seen consuming food it will distort people's field of vision like a fun-house mirror!* What stupid nonsense.
I'll say it loud and proud, I am currently eating a bowl of pimento cheese. It is delicious. I am probably going to eat the whole thing

Taking a bite and then throwing it away means you need a new one for each take and all of coverage though. If a character is going to throw away food for any reason it is miles easier to have them do it without ever eating any of it than to have them eat some and then throw it away.

As a prop person empty cups drive me up the wall too. I always put water in cups. If it spills clean up is quick and easy and it puts an end to ridiculous "magic liquid" cup flailing. (EMPLOY ME HOLLYWOOD! I am actually very good at what I do! So good that no one ever notices any of my work!)
I will say that while

YES. This! There are a multitude of factors here.
1. I am not going to discount the societal influence. There probably is some of that going on, especially in a show that has a disordered eating story line.
Just as important though (and why you could do a cut like this with almost any show on TV) are
2. Most prop food is

From what I can tell and have read/heard it is a combination of things. 1. he took computer classes at a community college to earn HS credits before he went for his GED. So, in theory, he had more computer education right there than you would get as a HS drop out. 2. He was enlisted in the military but had to leave

I'm not actually disgusted by it I am just so very over the whole "Turn Breast Milk Into _____" thing happening right now. Breast Milk Ice Cream, Breast Milk Jewelry, Breast Milk Art, while I can't find the link right now I swear I read about turning Breast Milk proteins into yarn/fabric (I know it is done with

If it was previously unlicked and it was offered to me for free? Sure, I'd give it a shot. My "Nope! No. Non. Nein." reaction to this is just because I find it stupid and ridiculous. I don't find the idea abhorrent, just absurd. I feel like "Not everything needs to be made of human milk or be human milk flavored" is a

Oddly that it why I lurv him. He is so totally, insanely, divorced from reality (and always has been, it isn't senility) that I just find it magical. Just, the things that fall out of that man's mouth! Everything he says is like a racist Mad Lib.

Dude, shoulda stuck around. While you were over here throwing shade a few folks side stepped the OP and had a nice chat about fandoms and two of us shared our dream cast for a Good Omens movie. A nice time was had by all. :D

Nice cast! I will happily read for War. :) I understand, unknown quantity and all. ;) I only go North American on 3 of the 4 horse-people of the apocalypse because they (excepting Death, of course, who is always everywhere) seemed to have set up the US as their base of operations because they were expecting the

I love Lynch but his Twitter ... SMH. He did that whole huge chat a while back ... no hashtag, no reference to the question in his answer ... It was cool an' all but trying to follow it was ... Lynchian.

O.K. ... who have you passed me over for for WAR? I can take it. Just tell me.
I only have it partially cast (in my head).

One thing I feel strong on is Noel Fisher for POLLUTION.
I mean: