
1. I think of Good Omens as the time my beloved Terry Pratchett introduced me to Neil Gaiman. (I had only read Sandman before that. Never knew Gaiman as a novelist.)
2. In my misty fantasy day dreams I am plucked from obscurity to play WAR and I. Am. Glorious.

No, I understand it, it just wasn't funny and I was kind enough to tell you why.

BOO. I will give Miller this, when they bought Leinenkugel the Leinenkugel family kept control of Leinenkugel Brewery as a subsidiary of Miller and 95% of Leinies is still brewed in Chippewa Falls.

I know nothing of Booze laws in Canada but Beer Wars is a good watch. Available on Netflix.

I understand the joke, but on a site geared toward women in a Post-Tony Harris Rant world folks get a bit touchy about being called "Fake Geek Girls."

Nerd solidarity! I *can* reformat your hard drive (*blows raspberry*), but I know plenty of nerds who couldn't ... big fuckin' deal. I do understand some of the frustration with people calling themselves "nerds" solely because they once saw a single episode of Star Trek: TOS. It is one of those things I have no idea

IMDb told me that Omri Katz is now an LA hairstylist.

Yeah, that is why I checked the legal code. Noon is straight out. Definitely not "nighttime" ... unless maybe there is a solar eclipse? I am very much bothered that such a subjective term isn't defined in the code.

People shoot each other over contract disputes all the time, it just isn't legal. This actually establishes a rather terrifying legal precedent. It could be argued that it is now legal to shoot and kill someone over a contract dispute in Texas, assuming that the actual dispute takes place at night (also disturbing to

Thanks, it started as a point about time of day and then I just sort of lost the plot ...

hmm I think this would be classified as an attempt to compel prostitution? Maybe? Compelling prostitution is a second degree felony ... not sure what Attempt to Compel Prostitution would be...

I am not a lawyer but ... it feels like the prosecutor's office really dropped the ball here.
The nature of the services to be rendered was in dispute. If I hire caterers and I assume that "After event clean up" is included in their fee and the caterers are all "Nope! Sucka!" and try to run off with the money I paid

This is bug-nuts. I know I am in the minority on Jez regarding gun stuff. I am cool with that, that being said the defense doesn't even make sense. Ezekiel Gilbert thought that sex was included in the $150 price. It wasn't. This was not a nighttime theft it was a contract dispute. Even in Texas you don't solve a

I don't usually wear a bra when I am sleeping at home but if visiting friends and family? I feel a need to restrain the krakens when wandering about in my PJs. To this end I wear old sports bras that are too stretchy to function as sports bras anymore but keep my DDDs from swinging wildly loose and free around people

I just don't understand how a straight "pop" cover of a folk pop song can sound *more* dirge like than the original. (said with all love to Rice). I think they all can sing but I don't find any of their songs catchy. I keep waiting for a hook that never seems to come, a real ear worm. They need better material. I

O.K. I have watched 4 of these videos trying to figure out the love. Nope.

Damien Rice isn't dead! You scared the crap outta me!

:/ Cannonball is an awesome song. Their cover was not good. It could have been made super fun with a faster beat/dance remix type thing. They just awkwardly sang a ballad over a back beat.

Meanwhile today I discovered Lorde's single "Royals" ... new obsession. She sounds like Amy Winehouse, hopefully without the

Have you seen "Beer Wars"? It is a great doc that talks about the history of American brewing and the current state of distribution laws. (Our laws regarding distribution are ridiculous and a holdover from the early days after the repeal of prohibition.) Before we start thinking about subsidizing craft brewers and


Is the cancellation official? I know they were burning off episodes in Friday Night Death Blocks, but no "Official" cancellation word that I heard.