I *think* (truly a guess) that that is the idea ... only a phony would pronounce a Vietnamese restaurant called "Big PHOny" as "Big Phony"
I *think* (truly a guess) that that is the idea ... only a phony would pronounce a Vietnamese restaurant called "Big PHOny" as "Big Phony"
erm. if you read the text under the picture it says he is 14.
I was entirely unaware of them as a couple so my post workout brain turned "Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger" into "Jonathan Jackson and Diane Keaton" and I nearly did a spit take. Thank God for Google.
Good to know!
I was thinking similarly ... "did she go up a couple of sizes with her reconstruction?" It totally could just be the dress though or (not knowing exactly when she had the mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries) it might be site swelling? My understanding is it takes months for all the swelling to subside and for the…
Up shot is this did remind me that I REALLY need to trim my bushes (as in the grean, leafy things that grow outside my house).
I went bare once. Expectation of both my BF at the time and I was that it would be a bit kinky/naughty. The reality was that I was itchy and the "pre-pubescent" look had a decidedly boner withering effect on him. We actually had to wait for them to grow back before either of us could deal with the idea of sex.
It is set in '93 because it that is the year writer/director Maggie Carey graduated.
I am grooving on the entire cast.
Hmmm it comes out just in time for my annual Girls' Vacation week with my college lady-friends. I might actually go see it in the theater with them.
Huh. O.K. To each their own and I promise to never hold a gun to your head and force you to sit on your couch in your gym shorts. I just can't quite wrap my head around that though. If something is too gross to touch my couch it is way too gross for me to put it on my body. If I felt like washing didn't reset the "ick…
umm just to clarify, you are saying that lounging around the house in the same pants you worked out in that day is gross, right? Lounging around the house in pants that you have previously worked out in but have freshly laundered isn't gross.
I am with you. Most of my Yoga pants are from Target. Yup. My fancy-shmancy SPV 50+ outdoor athletic gear is from Athleta, and half the price of Lululemon stuff.
Since I *just finished* an attempt at selfies, spectacularly failed at looking cute, said "fuck it" and checked Jezebel ... this makes me feel better. It was all that thing where you look in the mirror and think "Damn! I am fucking ADORABLE today. Must immortalize it!" Snap the selfie and realize you actually look…
umm in case the initial image didn't give it away, video is NSFW.
Huh. That is weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird.
Seems to be claiming to be a gay dude. Which has me totally stumped. I kinda feel like a gay dude having any kind of opinion about vulva grooming is a bit like me having a REALLY STRONG opinion about what color they paint the curbs in Paris. I was there once (many years ago), I don't live there, I have ZERO plans to…
BULLSHIT. What the fuck is WRONG with their parents? It is one thing if people have signed on to this scheme ... family friends (like neighbors) might agree, but thinking they can extort any random person they meet? Fuck. That. Noise.
No. People have to agree to having their language policed.
My parents recall fondly the first time they heard me swear. I was about 3. We were in the car and I was playing with a doll. "GOD DAMN BARBIE" *Thwack! Barbie is thrown down* "AND HER GOD DAMN BOOTS!" *The sound of two, tiny, plastic, Go-Go boots hitting the seat in front of me* My mom likes to say "In your defense,…