
only an inch long and required 5 stitches, it must have been pretty deep. A shallow cut that short could have been closed up with two or maybe three stitches.

I once called my mother to ask "How do you know if your foot is broken? I think I just broke my foot." My mother's response was "What the fuck is WRONG with you Unholyghost?!? If you think your foot might be broken get your ass to the ER for an x-ray."

Your tale of woe reminded me of an ER trip when I was 15. I was up late working on a sculpting project and sliced my finger to the bone. I knew I needed stitches but the problem was that required waking up my parents who were ummm... post-coital and nude. :/ AWKWARD Trips to the ER for everyone!

I was happy to see #13 because by #4 I was screaming "NO! If you need stitches go get them NOW. Do not wait!" Pro-tip: the sooner you can reunite the separated skin flaps the less likely it is you will end up with a big scar. Sooner stitches = smaller scar. If you are actually the type to worry about scars always seek

The question that I need answered is how do I find out if my dog is left or right pawed?

I am glad you like it but fennel is my most hated veg. I can't tolerate it and I can taste even a tiny bit in anything.

Erm ma gerd! It is Max Max Meets Degrassi. It is terrible and wonderful and shockingly dark.

Poop undies are a symbol of relationships. Letting someones else see/handle your poop/period undies says "I love you so much and I know you love me so much I am sure you will not reject me even after seeing the grossest, most base, aspects of my humanity even divorced from me as a person." YUP! I am a human who poops

Yes, I do get jealous when Biff dates. (I have also gotten into pissing matches with his BFF from HS. I feel like I won.) There are two aspects of jealousy when he dates. 1. He dates some awful woman who is all wrong for him and she makes him sad which (obviously) is a crime punishable by death. Bitch thinks she can

Yeah, I get that. My husband is also close with my bff. It sometimes feels like a three way marriage. We are all O.K. with this except I occasionally worry about "Biff." I 100% expect that I will be the one caring for him when he is old. That sort of relationship is rare, nothing to be sneezed at. Just don't be scared

ooof. I have a male BFF. I am happily married. I can tell you from experience that when things are rough in my marriage (like a big move) I wonder if they wouldn't be better with my BFF. But the thing is (at least with me, maybe with you too) as much as I love my BFF and as much as he loves me, part of the reason we

O.K. Some of the threads have me feeling strong. Who has heard of the show 'The Tribe'? I expect Europeans, Australians, and (obviously) New Zealanders know of it. It wasn't big in the U.S. yet here I am a U.S. fan but the thing is that a lot of the fans of the show scare me. they are *REALLY* into it I am just like

That isn't O.K. "Good Samaritan" sounds like it has a religious affiliation. Nuns are both less terrifying and VASTLY MORE terrifying than you think. Every doctor who works at a religious hospital is scared of the head nun. Nuns really are generally good people. Doctors are not magic geniuses. They took a FUCKING OATH

It actually gave me a complex. I felt horribly guilty. Nothing I could do about it, it (obviously) was unintentional. I am apparently just very much an "Alpha female." YOUR PETTY PHARMACOLOGY CAN DO NOTHING AGAINST MY ESTROGEN RAYS! My uterus will bend everyone to its will!
LOL speaking of sports teams, yeah I know

Ahhh, less touchy feely, more hands on. This I can work with. (Would a straight woman offering to help a lesbian with carpentry be a sign of the apocalypse?) How did you fuck up your cabinetry? What is the wood? What is the finish? What were you trying to do? (I assume you were trying to install safety latches, what

It is Bullet Bourbon. Good for you? :)
While I feel for you with the whole "We have the same parts! I should be better at this!" thing, part of me is thinking "She should tell the boys this! They will feel so much better!" I think this may transcend gender. There is this beautiful, sexy, person you love and she is

That is not O.K.
YOU are an O.K. person.
YOU are O.K.
Sure, maybe you have some work to do to better avoid fucktards like this guy but that doesn't make his shit your problem.
Also, I see that you have some shared friends. I would tell your friends about this. You don't need to protect this guy. Any shared friends who

I have been chewing on this because I don't want to offend but I have had half a finger of bourbon and am feeling bold.
90% of what you have said here sounds like things my male friends have "admitted" to me when their wives/girlfriends/partners were pregnant. I say this only to say that you are not alone. You are not

Oh yeah! My parents never served me Lima Beans growing up. They are not total monsters and would BUY them when I was a teen but it was up to me too cook them (they served me plenty of other veggies, just not those). One of the things they celebrated when I went off to college was that never again would Lima Beans

Get the test. Pee on the stick. Remember to breathe. Nausea is a symptom of pregnancy only because wildly fluctuating hormones can make you nauseated. Anything that throws your hormones out of whack will cause nausea. So, any issue that fiddled with your hormones enough to cause you to miss your period (not just