
any new women in your life? I apparently have THE UTERUS OF DOOM and my freshman year of college I shifted all my suite-mates to my cycle including the two who were on the pill. So if you have been spending time with a new woman it is possible that you are shifting to her cycle even on the pill.

I sort of fast ... but not really on purpose. I eat when I feel hungry, and I am totally one of those people who sometimes forgets to eat.
Rutabaga are some of my favorite winter veggies (don't eat them much in the summer) I throw them in soups, stews, roast them ... yum yum yum. The sweetness and the little pop of

thank you. Yeeeeeeeah um, as far as "Indigo Children" and "Indigo Adults" go ... whatever it takes to get you through the day I guess. The "Autism makes you magic" concept with the "crystal children" seems like a pretty fucking bad idea.

What is this "crystal child" "indigo adult" business? I attempted to Google it but the results were pretty nonsensical.

The answer is Yes. He is 6'4" 225 lbs, so he is a pretty big dude. Knowing that you can tell she is also very small.

You make an excellent point.

In this case they probably did it that way. Open call for kids 4-7, cast her, and found parents to match. It depends on which characters are carrying the weight of the commercial/show/movie. This was all about getting an adorable kid and having adults react to her adorableness. In a family drama where the burden of

This may come off as me tooting my own horn, I don't intend it that way. I am mostly just oblivious not racially sensitive (meaning I don't think about race much at all. I think about if I find the person annoying, tolerable, or pleasant not what color they are).
A few posts here recently have shed new light on an

Do they? I always thought if you were of two races (whatever they may be) you were bi-racial. If you were of 3+ races you were multi-racial.

Just an FYI, hair touching isn't limited to black or bi-racial people. When I (white girl with redish-blonde hair) had really long hair (waist length) strangers would touch it and play with it ALL THE DAMN TIME. That is actually part of the reason I am not comfortable leaving it loose. Standing in line to buy a movie

I am happy to see more racially diverse families on TV and in movies. That said, I am going to repeat something I said on the Cheerios article. I think some (not all, not even most) of the lack of representation of interracial families is lazy casting. When casting actors to play biological relatives you want the idea

Yup! I posted something similar.

Hearing impairment FTW! I almost always at least look people in the face when we are talking, so I can read their lips. Ha Ha it looks like I really care what you are saying/care about you as a human. Nope. I only care enough that I am not completely ignoring you.

Because going back to the old article to see the gif atouchofyou shared was getting tiring, I'll just leave this here:

Possibly, but I know that savory meat pies topped with mashed peas are a common food item in the U.K. and the first menu item on the board behind him says "...eas $1.30" so I am feeling strong in my assessment.

oooh! Found the uncropped pic! Yup. it is a pie with peas!

Hating GMOs it the tie that binds my left wing extremest and right wing extremist friends.

mmmmmm he can WORK a suit. Not every guy with his build can. (I know he isn't usually as bulky as he was as Bane but still, he seems to usually be on the more muscular side and suits usually work best on guys with more of a "swimmer's build.")

well they are mashed. It is like mashed potatoes only not at all, because they are peas. That said, who knows? A big, green, glob of mashed peas might have fallen to the floor right after this pic was snapped.

I think you have it right. Looks like a savory (I hope) pie with mushy peas.

Yes. At 26 weeks a healthy fetus has about a 60% survival rate. This one isn't healthy but infant survival at 26 weeks is absolutely possible.