
I think some part of the lack of interracial families on TV and in movies is just laziness in casting. When you are casting a family that is supposed to be biologically related it can't just be about performance, you also want it to be at least somewhat believable that these people share DNA. You can't cast Denzel

Cheerios isn't the first company I have seen running ads with interracial families. One of the cable/internet companies around here has been running ads with interracial families for a few years now.

Answer unknown. Too many variables.
I will say that "celebrity" would not increase the likelihood of my having sex with the person. It would actually, probably, decrease it. Beyond that the question really boils down to "How many ladies would have sex with a good looking*, charming guy they just met at a party?"


I would say he is eating ice cream because the party is at House of Häagen-Dazs ... right? So everyone would be eating ice cream. Unfortunately this makes the woman stealing Bradley Cooper's ice cream and eating it with her hands even more bizarre. At a Black tie Ice Cream Social (you don't go to those? They are

To chime in with the caveat that my fine arts education was tangential to the painters/sculptors/etc (performing arts with a technical focus here, so I had to learn some of the same skills for doing things like backdrops and what not.) My understanding is that part of the anti-photorealism sentiment is because it is

I would never deny anyone their imaginary Patrick Stewart husband. I just needed to highlight once again that Sir Ian McKellen is going to officiate Sir Patrick Stewart's wedding, because sometimes the world is a good place and good things happen.

If that happened I would cease to be capable of human language for a solid 3 hours. I would just be a flapping, squealing fan-girl mess. Just knowing that happened would rob me of speech.

I know! I just can't wrap my head around the fact that this information didn't explode the internet. It got barely a mention anywhere when Ian McKellen first said it. It was hardly talked about when it was confirmed. Fucking MAGNETO is performing FUCKING PROFESSOR X's wedding! God Damn GANDALF is going to pronounce

He can't marry you because he is going to marry his jazz singer lady love and Ian McKellen is going to perform the ceremony and all of that is 100% real and true and a thing that is going to happen in the world.

When I am being sarcastic I will write "Amazingggggggggggg!" and the idea is that it sort of trails off in a guttural groan type noise.

I was so excited to see her on AD!

Cringe? So far beyond cringing. Right now you couldn't separate my knees with the jaws of life.

I keep flashing on Season 2 of Weeds when Silas intentionally pokes holes in condoms to keep Megan from being able to leave him and go to college. Jesus, I was horrified by the episode.

We do call ourselves as a pair "Team Magpie" and we do this:

On occasion I get "Big Tits McGee" but it is usually when my rather large chest has caused some sort of comical situation (not noticing that I left boob prints in dust, or knocking something over, or discovering that the reason we could only find 6 of the Skittles I spilled was because the rest of the bag was nestled

Worth noting that while much has been made throughout the years of the French calling people "little cabbage" as a term of affection that isn't *really* what is being said. Pate a Choux is a pastry dough used for things like cream puffs. So while "petite choux" literally means "little cabbage" what is actually being

Regarding Steve Holt, I Googled (or should I say "I something-ed") what the deal was with Steve Holt too and learned that they intentionally aged him. The difference between Justin and Portia is that because his look was intentional the info about why he looked like that was everywhere. Portia looking like that seems

I actually was totally convinced it wasn't her. I told my husband "Oh, I guess that isn't her in this scene. I don't recognize the actress though."
All of the wigs in AD4 were really, REALLY bad. You can't get away with that stuff in the age of HD. I know some of them were intentionally bad (Lindsay's red wig, the Sue

YES! They put her in a really awful, ill-fitting, synthetic wig for all the stuff where it is supposed to be her own, long hair. Because it doesn't look as bad in some scenes as others I think that the cap under the wig was too tight and pulling her face. At some point they realized that the cap was too tight and fit

This is a second one. I had to Google but the first one was Mariah Yeater, this second one "wishes to remain anonymous." Jesus. Why am I talking/thinking this much about Justin Bieber? The past 10min of my life I have devoted to thinking about Biebs statutory rape cases are moments I could have been petting my dogs or