
Depends. If we pretend for a moment that there is even a tiny shred of truth to any of this (I know, it hurts, just go with me) it also says she is in Europe. Even if extradition for such things was common (it isn't) in many parts of Europe a 25 y/o having sex with a 15 y/o isn't a crime. I don't see a lot of

ooooh I loved that Merida Cosplay!
Cool. I'll keep it in mind. And not answering specifics about your hormone replacement regimen just makes public safety type sense. Not on the same level at all but I have hobbies that I don't share online just because they are very much of a "Don't try this at home!" variety. I do

Fairly new to Jez. Like past couple of months. I may or may not have read your articles. (Pretty sure I have not read "Ask a Trans Woman") but since I don't look at author's names on articles it is hard for me to say if I have read any of your work.

Thank you for explaining. I really appreciate it. You didn't have to do that.

I suppose in that case I can see how they might logically understand you are a woman but not fully process it emotionally.

Sorry. That sucks.

LOL as I was typing up my defense of Vonnegut fans I was thinking of all the Vonnegut fans I know and one of the only ones I would describe as "douchey" wrote his thesis on Heidegger.
Hmmm maybe it is a One Two punch kind of thing? Some of these things might be O.K. in isolation but when combined ... run far. run

My husband loves Vonnegut. I don't think my husband is douchey. I know it says "disproportionately douchey" which obviously means they are not painting 100% of Vonnegut fans as douchey ... I just ... most people I know are Vonnegut fans. I know very few people who are not big Vonnegut fans and I would only describe

Just to be clear because I am confused about their confusion ... (I apologize in advance if I make you uncomfortable with this.) You are a trans woman. Once upon a time you had a penis. Now you have a vagina. Correct? If so I am still stumped about the confusion.

Not at all! The more the merrier. :)

LOL I can understand that. I was already in my later teens when I saw it on its first run so I was more of the mind set "Pretty boys are nice an' all but THAT one is gonna get you all killed!" Bray's doe-eyed naivete was perfectly geared to appeal to young teen girls. Bray was going to save the WORLD! With JUSTICE!

I'm from Wisconsin, so I am very familiar with Chicago's "You guys." It always confuses me when people use "guys" in a gendered way. To me (and, obviously to you) it is just an informal way to say "people."

nnnnnnnnng. "Don't want to make you mad jealous..." lies! ;) I just turned chartreuse with envy.
Though TBH, Jack and Dal were always my favorite characters. So underrated! So under appreciated! They were always like "Hey guys, we need to figure out a way to purify water." "We need a regular source of fresh food." and

I agree, but this movie is about Polish immigrants in NYC in the 1920's. While your point remains valid (esp. if they have the Polish characters speaking English to other Polish characters) the characters probably would be speaking English much of the time.

1. "Y'all" is wonderful. I am a Yankee and so "up nort" where I am from we usually say "You all" instead of "Y'all" but still ... English needs a second person plural.

O.K. You are right, if the site did that it is a crap site. An actual fitter will do a better job. That said, wrong cup size is really an issue. Bra sizes assume that there will be certain ratios between chest/rib cage diameter and cup size. I have a large rib cage and GINORMOUS boobs (I wear a 36 DDD or F [once you

While I agree that fearing homo-eroticism is bad ... I can't help but feel that some of that is just a shift in the market. (The article does talk about this a bit) Previously they saw themselves as selling to women. Sounds weird I know, but lots of men have their underwear purchased for them by their wives or

hmmm I suppose. I mean, it takes him out of his mother's home until such time as the whole mess can be seen by a judge. Though the end-run around DCFS is worrying. I mean if the cops are arresting kids to get them out of bad situations rather than having the leeway/resources to call in DCFS ... I worry (even more)

I was wondering that myself. The article here on Jez doesn't list the boy's age so I clicked through to the Charlotte Observer article. CO says he is a juvenile. I could see, maybe, that he would have technically broken a law if he was over 18. You are not legally required to feed your children forever, but since he

I'm not sure what they think. I know both my dogs freak out if I cover my hands. Gloves and mittens are fine, but if I just pull my hands into my sleeves? Full blown panic. Mine are both rescues but my parents' papered purebred *straight from the breeder to their loving home* pup does the same. I know not all dogs do

What if your dog isn't actually racist but seems racist? My older dog HATES dudes wearing hats. For whatever reason young white guys in my area don't usually wear hats, some of the young black guys do. So when we meet a group of young people out on our walk she really hates the guy in the hat, who is also (usually) a

I understand that the author is using "We" to mean society as a whole and is not including me specifically but so often I read these articles with one eyebrow slowly crawling up my forehead. "Who is this "we" you speak of?" I wonder, "You have a mouse in your pocket?"
"Why, for instance, do we call Lindsay Lohan a