
pretty much any oil will break down latex condoms. so if they were latex there is a 100% chance they were faulty.

I made a comment about a typo and the comment is gone and the typo is fixed and I just wanted to say that I truly, honestly enjoyed the typo. I am not one of those assholes who freaks out about every typo or grammar error I see online. The internet moves fast and proofing against every typo and homophone swap takes a

"a graphic designer and science enthusiast who loves in Brooklyn" Pretty sure this is a typo, but I like to think that she lives somewhere else (Connecticut?) and just stops by Brooklyn for some lovin'.

You pegged me right as a 'Murcan. ;)
I don't think you are rambling. Concepts like race and cultural heritage are prickly, or at least they are prickly for people who are not awful. Yet they are worth talking and thinking about because any grown adult who says they have *never* been aware of race or ethnicity is a god

GAH! and THAT makes me crazy. Like actually-pulling-out-my-hair crazy. You shouldn't have to Google that. If they are talking about her weight they should say her height at the same fucking time!

Are you fucking kidding me? Super awesome that Missoula decided to join us in the 20th century.

Of course it is the 21st century, but hell, almost no one has made it that far.

Hmmm I will ask, unless they are speaking with an accent that indicates they are newly immigrated from Poland, how do you know a character is or isn't Polish? It isn't like second or third generation Polish-Brits look or sound different from people who have been there since the Norman conquest.
I agree with you, race

Agreed. Actresses of size are also better represented. Even cast as sex symbols. Women the size of Christina Hendrix are not an aberration there.
Thanks for not calling me a racist. I was honestly worried that my wondering if larger racial/ethnic groups in the US result in greater racial/ethnic homogeneity would get me

I have long been fascinated by the ethnic diversity of U.K. films and movies compared to US shows and TV. I would love to see a breakdown of that. IMO you see a LOT of mixed race couples on UK TV and movies. I think this is a good thing but I also wonder if it isn't because there are fewer non-white people in the UK

I understand that, and disagree with it. That is what I am saying. Force the issue with laws and they become martyrs to Big Gov'ment. Drive them out of business and make them social pariahs and it is all 'Too bad, too sad!"

I am with you on the judging. I JUDGE THEM. I am judging them up one side and down the other. Fuck them and their bigotry. Fuck them right in the ear.
That said, I don't think private, small businesses (meaning too few employees to be covered by EOE laws) should be legally compelled to serve any customers. Let them

What is a "Chrissy Teigen?" I mean, apparently she is a model. That is the same as being famous?

I have a vague feeling that in the U.K. "Cunt" is applied almost exclusively to men and it isn't really associated with female genitalia at all (they have the truly adorable "fanny" for that. ... Just writing that made me giggle. "Fanny" Those limey bastards are so fucking cute!).
Personally, I keep "cunt" as my special

Good on my husband. When I have told him that Dream!Him did something awful he always apologizes. Usually I find this funny. Why on earth should he apologize? He didn't do anything. My brain worked an image of him like a puppet and made him do terrible things. He never actually stole all the pudding and called me fat.

I am in love with this thread. You, sir, are a patriot and a hero.

whoabackup, I can also lick my own nipples. I know this because I tried and succeeded.
I also spent a lot of time teaching male friends yoga. Why? So they could try to suck their own dicks. They never told me if they managed it though.

I'll give you plausible, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! ;) (the scene, that is)

Well in Girls Natalia is clearly not into it at any point. The whole thing creeps her out and they end up breaking up because of it.
TBH I am more bothered by the Girls scene than the Mad Men scene. Sylvia clearly gets into it (as evidenced by her masturbating to the ringing phone). She keeps control by walking, not

Can we talk about Dom Draper for a bit? 'Cause that whole thing reminded me of the scene between Adam and Natalia in the Girls episode "On all fours" and I was just as disappointed this time as I was then. In the Girls episode Adam tells Natalia to crawl on all fours to his bed. She replies that his floor is fucking

I hear you. When my bearded husband and I are up late, wearing our ironic *real* vintage t-shirts, getting drunk on craft brews no one has heard of yet, and arguing about which 45 to play next on the record player I say "Babe, I think we might be hipsters." Then we weep gently into the granny square afghans I

Agreed. I read that, and thought "Oh, she left a standard tip on a bill that wasn't particularly noteworthy for a group of people at a high end club." 3-4 people could easily rack up a $2k bill at a club. It isn't like it was a $2k bar tab at TGIFs. No news there. 25% is a normal amount to tip on a $2k bill. I am