
PLEEEEEASE can we talk about B.Batch and the Cumberbitches issue? Pretty pretty please with sugar on top? I really want to talk about how he won't allow them to be the Cumberbitches because he deems it bad for feminism. He claims it isn't because he finds the term rude, or exclusionary but because he thinks women self

:/ I craft. I grow vegetables. I cook tasty meals from scratch based on recipes I created myself. I sew. I have a bearded husband with an obscure, arts related job. I am/do all of this stuff. I am not fucking twee. I can totally rock that Domestic Goddess shit.
I will invite you to my badass summer dinner party and

I agree it is kinda weird, but if you look at it that way what the OP is saying has a sort of logic. If "racist" is an unchangeable state beyond hope of redemption then you don't want to call people who can still be "saved" racist as it indicates that they are beyond saving.

hmm to me it looks like the issue (in this thread) is that the OP views "racist" as a permanent, unalterable state. If people are still able to learn non-racist thinking and behavior then there is still time to save them, because once you become racist you are not capable of learning to not be racist.

It has been a hot minute since I read ADWD ... the third part of your Dany/Jon/OTHER trio wouldn't happen to be a young fellow? Hangs out on a boat called The Shy Maid?

If you really like Joe Dempsey check out the first two series of U.K. Skins on Netflix. It isn't drool fodder because he is much, much younger but it really shows off his acting skills (and also has Gilly/Hannah Murray and the wonderful Nicholas Hoult). Just be prepared for all the crying. Have hydrating beverages

random double posting.

Within the BOOKS I totally see Arya and Gendry eventually hooking up. Like in the latter part of book 7. Maybe I am fooling myself but I don't think that is sick.

1. If you read through the comments you will see that depression can be a sneaky bastard. Do they know they are depressed? Sure, you know they are depressed (the talk of the all consuming pit of despair can be a bit of a tip off) do they know? Do they know that walking the world in a fog of non-feeling isn't how

Absofuckinglutely. I spent years severely depressed and didn't even notice until one night when I was planning my suicide and it suddenly occurred to me that if the only reason everyone was alive was because their suicide plans had been interrupted there would probably be a lot fewer people in the world. Therefor,

No, I think that is true. In a lot of places it is "Beer for the guys, wine/fruity mixed drinks for the ladies." I was at a home brewing event where I live now and I was one of two women there. When I said my all time favorite beer is a smoked porter (New Glarus Unplugged Smoke on the Porter, WHY DON'T THEY MAKE IT

I remember being there. I remember sitting on the couch at 2am and being annoyed. I was annoyed because I knew that I was going to have to reinforce the banister to hold my weight so I could hang myself and that was going to be a fuckton of work I didn't want to do. I had a sudden "A Ha!" moment when I realized that

True. And drinking that is considered social, casual (maybe edging toward "party pooper") in Wisconsin can get you mad side-eye outside the state lines. Yes, I drank 6 beers at the cookout. The cookout was 4 hours long. Why is everyone looking at me like that? I brought 12 beers. Not like I am drinking up all the

Oh. :( I haven't lived in WI for many years now. My parents still live there (in the Dells area) so I visit, but I have been out of the loop for a while.

To be fair, dog poop isn't always easy to find in snow. Even if you are walking a leashed dog down the street you can miss a turn or two that sunk down under the snow. In a dog park or other area where dogs are allowed off leash? It can be impossible.

The odd part is that the people of the great state of Wisconsin (Where I was also born and raised) are generally pretty used to seeing people passed out on lawns. Usually these people are drunk.
Maybe that is the cause of the concern? "The Mifflin Street Block Party was on the 4th! These people are still passed out?

Oh Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks ... you are going to miss a lot more, since the second half of season 5 hasn't aired yet.

hmmm I wouldn't say "no reason at all" necessarily (and obviously I am speaking only to my limited personal experience and conversations with friends, I can't speak for 100% of women). The "reason" doesn't have to be anything overtly sexual though. A bumpy bus ride is plenty of reason.

Yeah, sort of what I was thinking. "He is easily aroused." Well, yeah. Easily aroused just describes most teenagers. It is more obvious that teenage boys are easily aroused but still, this is less a "question" and more a statement of glaringly obvious fact. Sky is blue, grass is green, teens are hornballs.

Is there a good way to track this so I can find out if you actually try it and it actually works? I like the idea of those sort of scents so much better, and I think they would jive with my favorite perfume better (depending on the scent). Part of why I use scentless detergent is because I find that ones with scent