
Logan airport in Boston. Most terminals are in separate buildings. This really sucks when many airlines at BOS co-chair. So if you think you are flying out of terminal C on US Air, you really have to go to terminal D United.

Looks to much like a VW for my taste.

The deep blue pearl of the Nissan GTR looks stunning in person.

While some would not consider the Corvette a "supercar", the level of douchery is not to be ignored here.

Cooling and heated cup holders.

There is a law suit to be had here, just not with the SUV driver, but rather with the pack of thugs that caused the chaos.

Gem Car. Street legal with a blistering top speed of..... 25 mph.

"danger to me and my fun" = " i'll take a 12 gauge and pop you". Danger to "fun" not is the the same as fearing bodily harm. That is the difference.

Is there a Terrain Response setting for motorcycle gang?

Yes. The law gives you that exact right. Not reasoning, fact.

I hate motorcyclist? I've ridden motorcycles for 30 years. Does that mean I hate myself?

When reviewing footage like this it's impossible to deal in the relm of "probably felt". You have to look at the evidence. Is there any evidence of the biker group acting "afraid". No, they pursued the SUV and acted as a large, aggressive pack. Did the SUV hit the biker riding illegally and recklessly on purpose,

"Running over bike riders is in no way justifiable" - I respectfully disagree.

Honda Element. Easy for dogs to jump in and out, plenty of room, and no carpet equals easy clean up of hair or motion sickness.

OK. How many millions are we looking at here?

How far do you think you could get before you realize you have no idea how to drive it and your attracting lots of attention?