I had one of these with factory supported Comptech supercharger and exhaust. 320hp with factory warranty. It really woke the car up. I ended up selling it for a Boxster S. No regrets.
Paint Protection Flim as a factory option to cut down on delivery damage and to lower the cost to the customer. I’m sure an aftermarket $500 PPF bumper wrap could be a $200 option, or less, from the factory when mass produced and automated.
Hands down the Mustang GT-R turbo rotary with pistons.
I don’t miss having to lock the hubs on 4x4 trucks. Typically, by time you realize you need to lock the hubs is when you don’t want to get out of the truck.
Snug cockpits are great for the driver, less so for the passenger. My friends hated riding my S2000, even more so with the top up. The passenger side was very tight and the 9K redline was not as enjoyable for the passenger as the driver.
Easy, the 3,000 mile oil change myth. That sounds logical unless you actually read the owners manual.
The Porsche Boxster.
Back in 2005 I was invited to drive a Ford GT and Dodge Viper around Europe with my good friend and automotive journalist Rich Truesdell. The goal of the trip was reunite the Ford GT with it’s European past. Highlights were hitting 180+ on the autobahn, laps around the Nurburgring, visit to Ferrari with the Ford GT,…
What a perfect getaway car!! There is not a cop out there that could name this car, you can hop curbs, and the 4x4 could come in handy. “Be on the look out for a, ummm, well,,,,, black SUV”
same for the wheels