
Spencer did nazi that coming....

If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.

Yeah, I have absolutely no sympathy. You married a horrible trash monster rapist because he’s rich? Have fun watching him slaver over his own daughter and getting pawed at by those tiny, tiny hands.


The coat is a leftover from the costumes for Anchorman 2.

The kind of fashion that screams, “My taste is all in my mouth!”

The one on the right wore it better.

At this point many Trump supporters are so delusional, you could stab their parents in front of them - as long as you explain that it’s necessary to make America great again, they would smile and nod while trying to dodge the blood splatter.

Unfortunately, James McAvoy, the idiots who elected the orange shit goblin as president made it the entire world’s problem.

Conservatives on this day:

Not to worry. While you were out we made a YouTube channel for you. It’s hillarious. You should check it out.

Of course their name is Stryper - with a y.

There’s nothing more I hate more, than buying stuff with the name of the brand all over it.

This gif of Cheerleader Sly gives me life. <3

“Change what you cannot accept. Do not accept what you can’t change.”

she is a monster

Fuck it was almost hard to watch that

Now playing

She also did a segment dedicated to feminist icon Kellyanne Conway.

Pick after pick have shown themselves to know literally nothing about the jobs or fields they’re about to take over.