
I work in content licensing, so worrying about being a hypocrite always stops me from pirating digital content. That said, their argument reminds me of high-fashion brands and their pretense that every fake handbag sold = one real bag that totally would have been sold and they’re owed lost profits. Like c’mon guys,

No, because I don’t think it makes enough of a dent in their bottom line, because it’s their own fault for not learning from napster, and because I hate them for their bullshit PR angle of acting like it takes money from camera men when really the only people it impacts once movies have been released are the studios,

It’s hard for me to say this is a good idea when I just want men to STOP GROPING WOMEN. How fucking hard is that?

How about re-educating your men, India?

The highest court reasoned that the party was likely too weak to undermine democracy.

Ouch, that was way harsh, DoobyOne.

When is reelection in Russia?

Yellow is the new orange.

Ok, but… even a 5 year old knows that killing people is bad. That doesn’t mean that a 5 year old should go to prison by any means, and as someone else mentioned, it’s possible that she just didn’t want to get her husband in trouble with the law. But let’s not immediately jump to the conclusion that she didn’t know

Pretty sure that people with learning disabilities still understand that it’s wrong, and also illegal, to murder people. There’s no evidence that she’s so profoundly disabled that she doesn’t comprehend what death and murder are.

As he said, This is real life. This is really happening.

I don’t believe this guy is a “true believer” in any sense. He’s “chaotic evil” if you pardon my nerd jargon. Just generally wants to sow hatred and whip people into a tizzy for his own amusement and self-aggrandizement.

I may get flamed for this, but we really need to address the misogynist tendencies in the gay (male) community. Thriving off of stereotypical female behaviors, emulating them, and then subsequently denigrating the straight, lesbian, or bi women that may display them is disgusting.

I get an over whelming serial killer vibe from Milo.

Nah, they don’t even care about boning. (milo’s gay) They just hate women because their misogyny and racism makes them feel powerful.

Good, those two trash humans have no business being given any opportunities to spread their brand of unadulterated hatred of women that won’t bone them or women they find too ugly to bone

I gotta give these right wing/alt right/whatever they are called at the moment assholes credit, they’ve learned how to game the system. They ask to speak at a college campus. The college administration, concerned about being portrayed a bastions of the left in the right wing media which could affect enrollments agree