
And those cultures which force children to undergo painful life altering procedures shouldn’t be immune from criticism anymore than rural Africans who want to kill people for being witches or Americans who abuse their children during home exorcisms. Child abuse is child abuse is child abuse. Some cultures abuse

And this decision is one which many adults are now questioning– and appropriately so.

Most circumcisions are performed on babies– who are not “choosing” the procedure.

Give Kesha a hug, godammit! I understand that if you don’t know who Kesha is, then you might be less willing to give her a hug, but goddamn! A nice young woman approaches you in need of a hug, so give her a hug, for Christ’s sake.

As a performer, you would think he could have handled it with more grace.

In case you didnt know Jerry is an asshole. As are most everyone else from that over-rated show.

I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

Eh, I don’t know. Channing has done interviews describing how dirty and “selling out” it felt to dance for horny, hormonal women during his time as a stripper.. I feel bad for all who continue to do it to make a buck, male or female.

I’ll give you Mayer and Gyllenhaal... But sorry, Hiddleston is too pretty. I know someone will probably paste a gif of his ass from that movie he did with Tilda Swinton to say I’m wrong but I stand by my opinion. Too pretty and manicured.

I call ThornyDick

Yeah it’s a thing. I run 5 days a week, work out like a crazy person, eat healthy, but damn come Friday something just snaps and I’m all about a glass of wine and a cig. Or many. Sunday I’m done. It’s hard

Less Perry, more cherry.

If she doesn’t know who Kylie is, then anyone of us could be Kylie. Am...am I Kylie?

With all of their attention and energy turned outwards (looks, social media, reality TV) there’s no room (or stimulus) to actually peer inwards to find out who they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jenner girls have no internal monologue or internal life at all.

Hot take.

I’m good with not knowing.

“Jon Hamm’s penis is about the size of an obese hamster.”

Brag/accomplishment thread! My brag is I’M DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!!! I submitted the last of my coursework today! So to celebrate I made a peach-blueberry pie with tons of crumble on top and I’m having the most amazing burger rn. I put TWO slices of cheese on it because fuck it. Lots of wine. Brag here everyone! Let’s

Being trans is not a “self-imposed ‘camp’.” Climate change is not a “choice.” Sure, disagreeing with someone about certain specific policy ideas is one thing, but when one group actively denies the existence of another group or tries to use political might to harm a group/the earth, it’s not just people on opposite

They want to look authentic. That’s always been the goal of celebrities (or, one of the goals at least), and this is just the next wave of that.