Water is just sad ice crying, it’s not aligned with the universe
Water is essence of wetness .
For years, the internet has been celebrating the accomplishments of Täo Porchon-Lynch, a 98-year-old author,…
One of those times I want to make a whole bunch of burners so I can star this over and over. I love you.
Yes, but look at the all the money and attention his accusers got! They’re all swimming in that sweet rape accusation-money that you automatically get. I hear Stoya lives in a gold plated castle now
It’s not just gonzo porn - there are hundreds of testimonies of women in the porn industry about being forced or coerced into acts they didn’t agree to, or having their pain/injury ignored, or being given drugs and alcohol to be able to tolerate a scene. Even “feminist-friendly” porn sites like kink.com have this…
Isn’t it terrible how the mere suggestion that a man had may have sexually abused a woman completely ruins the poor man’s life? It’s grossly unfair how much power women have.
Women can be both complicit in and victims of patriarchal abuse. Men in power don’t care about those women, either.
They. Don’t. Care. About. Us.
My mother has been single for years because of that same trend. After like 35 years of “giving them a chance” she finally decided that nope! Not worth it! lol
It truly, truly is, and I’d urge you to watch it.
Holy shit
I’m not going to google him, I’ll take your word for it.
Umm..yeah. A ton of girls who look about 12/13, all of them posed in positions that just happen to show their naked crotch....every single time. WTF
Ooof. Creepy as shit. How is anyone surprised by this?
I’m usually quick to make the “what is art?”-argument about how it’s in the eye of the beholder, and who is to say what has redeeming social value and so on and so forth.
I just looked it up on my phone. Yeah, those should have raised at least one or two red flags.
I did the same thing and my internal WTF screaming is still reverberating in my head.