

Stage IV Cancer “survivor” here (“”s because there are not guarantees, I’m about 5 months into remission and if I make it to 3 years, I’ve got a very very good chance).

There is nothing more correct than finally moving past the phrase “battle with cancer.” Honestly, Stu Scott had it right when he explained that

Fucking cancer. Sad read. Hope he gets better I really do. Seems like a great guy.

You forgot to post the other cheap shots they were taking on Dunleavy

If CP3 doesn't understand that trying to act tough and mad-dogging while getting the shit kicked out of you looks really dumb, maybe this isn't for him.

Say what you will about Kanye, but he helped get hip-hop out of the "baggy everything" era and is arguably the greatest producer in the history of the genre. He says some really dumb things, but his impact is impossible to ignore. He was also rapping about social issues in an era where there was little to no

"Nice Pass"

As an Ohio State fan I can tell you I'm much more concerned about this than I am our quarterback situation.

The idiots responsible for this should know better than to use unpaid staff at professional sporting events. It's college sports where you can get away with that sort of thing.

I was trying to think of a joke, but I can't. And won't. This is fucking delightful.

This is a dumb post.

Guy next her seconds later: So, are you a big Tim Tebow fan?

After a flight like that, more like the Toronto Pterodactyls, amirite?

Somewhere, someone is having the very same thoughts about chupacabraburrito.

By that logic, Gandhi and Hitler both did their jobs pretty well, too. I would hope nobody thought about it that way though.

His profile describes him as a "travel addict". Maybe that explains his aversion to basketball. But it's also highly probable that he's simply a deeply stupid racist.

I think this was actually a calculated play by John to prove the converse of his original theory on consciousness; that a tabula rasa can be the end result of sensation and experience.

Well, the good thing is that there won't be any racial aspect to this story.

This is the complete opposite of the perfect pass. This is a stupid throw, there's no excuse for it.