Suddenly, I need to play Dying Light some more.
Suddenly, I need to play Dying Light some more.
Hey man, I think he’s really hurt.
I said “Ha Ha”
Well, while we’re asking.....
Uh, no we don’t? We take the piss out our government all the time. Its practically a national pastime.
This is the wrong take, because a bad bun can totally ruin your burger experience. Indeed, the bun, whatever you use, is an integral piece of the burger experience.
I don’t care what anyone says.
Never ending construction
It’s been really sad to watch Kotaku gradually become what its critics have long said it is. I have been reading Kotaku since around 2010-2011, I’m guessing, and it was once by far my favorite site for coverage of games and the culture around games. Over the last year or two, though, and especially over the last few…
I don’t really understand what’s wrong with this. Part of any business planning is “how many units of this can we expect to sell?”
I was noticing the same thing, though it sounds like it bothers me a bit more than it does you, haha. There’s nothing wrong with it, per say, but I kind of wish it wasn’t the default setting for a lot of developers.
I mean, everyone got sick of grim and gritty, or whatever, and that’s fine, but did we have to go to the…
Bravo! I was expecting a slideshow I was instantly going to close when I clicked this article. This is great!
Because the truth is NES and SNES libraries were also 80% garbage. Most games of that era, especially though a modern lens, weren’t good.
Throwin that hard "r" on there
So, yeah I agree out of place considering the type of game it is. The game has a massive userbase/audience though. Considering that some US states are no longer requiring things like this in K-12 classes, at least some of these kids will learn it from somewhere? Just one step further into our weird dystopia and all.
Let the story die already, jesus. Nobody cares about Mike Richards. They were just pissed because Levar Burton didn’t win the spot. I guarantee most of those who are now feigning outrage don’t watch the fucking show to begin with.
oh my god when she drops the mic
what is it about the cute animal game made for babies that triggers such anger among adult nerds