Mr. Pebbles

I happened upon these sometime last year and was pleasantly surprised. However, I was very happy when trying the tropical punch because it tasted like Hawaiian Punch. The other flavors are fine (other than starfruit lime tastes like nothing), but tropical punch is magic.

I would argue that people that are active on Twitch weren’t the outdoorsy type to begin with.

Back in my day, jokes were supposed to be funny.

On the ranch? No. In the heart of downtown LA? Very much so. Context does, in fact, matter.

Personally, if I had this power I would put most streamers in a pool and take the ladder away

I was about to agree with your second paragraph, but if you do an image search that picture is about as tame as it gets for her.

The only thing that needs to be burned down is toxic gamer culture. 

It’s a general principle of ‘work for hire’ that the company you work for owns all your output while you’re on work time.

So, as a lawyer, this kind of stuff is absolutely everywhere. Any situation where there is even a slight power imbalance, you will often have a brutally lopsided contract. Hell, I’ve written some of them!!

Good on him for declining a bad deal and sharing what he feels like he can and should.

22 MPG for this is appalling. 

Well, if one thing’s for sure, dunking on Cyberpunk is a great way to get video game blogs to basically just reprint your press release while heaping loads of additional praise on the developer.

I saw somebody make an interesting point on the CNBC article about this, so I wonder what you all think:

Zero sugar what the shit? So that’s gonna taste fucking horrible.

Tangent: Should you find the opportunity to taste cotton candy made of pure maple syrup, do it. It’s delicious. 

Nah man! Bullets totally can curve! I saw it in this documentary that featured Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman!


The difference between Portland and New York.

NOW we need an etymologist.

I really hope this comes to other consoles, it looks like it’d be right up my alley.