Mr. Pebbles

This really isn’t news

While I loved FoA, I greatly admire the specificity of your dislikes.

I was definitely influenced by Raiders of the Lost Ark, started looking into archeology, then realized it was completely not for me. Culturally Abhorrent is quite the take. It snuck up on me, no one told me I should hate Indiana freaking Jones now. Fortunately, I am the type of person that can distinguish between

BoJack had 6 seasons.

Shut the fuck up. They gave Mario Goku hair and Bowser a fucking rock choir themesong? This is always my favorite Nintendo. Doin' dumb goofy shit and just having fun. I wish we got more of that. 

Look, Nicole Kidman is a great actor. But... man, I’m just not seeing this one. 

Are Pogs back... in Pog form?

I am white and I don’t even have those

This take is fucking nuclear.

Here I thought I voted for Biden because I didn’t want Trump in office.

News of the assault on the Capitol broke when I was teaching a remote high-school class. Being reassuring and terrified at the same time is my new least favorite thing.

That comic was the worst. The next panel went “don’t extend your hand until you make eye contact. Don’t make eye contact until you say “hello, is someone there?” And don’t say “hello, is someone there” until you’ve made some throat clearing noises.”

Can someone please open a noodle shop called Aunty Pho so that they can order a cease and desist anytime someone says antifa out loud?

Stephen Totilo: The Last of Us Part 2 

I’ve mentioned here before that it was a good decade later that I realized that Young Ned was about to say “Take that, Dickface!” in “Hurricane Neddy” when he’s terrorizing the other kids. EDIT: Looking at the clip again just now, going by the YouTube comments, I apparently wasn’t the only one.

Hell yes to including games not released in 2020. Including them makes a lot of sense for personal lists (except for people who exclusively play new games, I guess).

-Larry claims to have been exposed to someone who tested positive and gets out of social events by saying he has to quarantine