Mr. Pebbles

If they shut down service everyone would be complaining about that instead. Not saying this was OK, but there is no way to handle this situation without everyone bitching about it.

I presume you realize that the two concepts are not mutually exclusive, right? If the person who cured cancer was racist, it wouldn’t make praising the cure for cancer wrong.

I, for one, welcome our new soda fountain overloads.

Some have argued that the play is actually not as impressive as it seems...

I bruised my hand raking leaves yesterday.

Once cooler heads prevailed, the gentlemen agreed to disagree on whether This Love or Girls Like You had been the best part of Maroon 5's performance.

I mean, the video clearly shows that the dude was sitting in the nosebleed seats.

Unsure who is worse, guy who gets drunk at Heat game and fights cops? Or dude who has THAT many hashtags in an Instagram post. I think it’s this Heat fan by a nose.

Gamers are just the biggest fucking babies.

Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!

I actually really hate this. The idea that we need to be constantly optimizing our time can be really problematic in my experience. But that could just be my anxiety-disorder riddled brain.

Great. So now I’m going to spend the rest of my life either working or drunk.

Funko pops ftw

That rug really tied the cubicle together.

WWI Private Hitler would be the easiest one (well, probably not easier than Baby Hitler, but still):

Maybe I don’t agree with everything Cannibal Witch says or does, maybe I don’t agree with her personal choices, but I know that Cannibal Witch will get the job done and that’s what this country needs right now. Someone strong. An outsider. Someone who can influence politics with her magical skills, not with back-alley

CK asserted “The whole point of comedy is to say things that you shouldn’t say. That’s the entire point.”

Maybe if millenials had money, they’d buy stuff.