
MLB: Jonathan, we're suspending you for 7 games

Of course, when RG3 says "He was watching over me," he's referring to Malsumis, the Native American god of cruelty who has been plotting his demise since the day he was drafted.

The Vikings could always pull a switcharoo, which Adrian Peterson believes to be beating the hell out of a wallaby.

It just fucking sucks that this guy of all people is effectively punished with a short timeout.

He said "culpability". The NFL fucking hates that word.

They can't even get the named of the movie right. It's "St. Vincent," no possessive.

For balance, here is Robert Plant's scouting report on Carmelo Anthony:

So, for sake of comparison, which was worse: the song, or the GIFs the 4Channers were posting a couple of weeks ago?

God, this is going to be so embarrassing for Dolan when he finds out that Trayvon Martin is not the name of the cars that James Bond drives.

Can't wait to see how he screws this up.

Cue the "My parents beat the shit out of me and I turned out fine" comments.

Roger Goodell and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week.

Listen, last month you overhauled your entire comment system to prevent people from posting stomach-churning images of overweight whores shoveling a bunch of diarrhea into their mouths, and now you're doing it yourselves? Make up your mind!

Keith Olbermann Punches the NFL In the Face, Drags It Out Into The Lobby, Sends It A Copy Of Said Punching Via FedEx, Tells The NFL That It Wasn't Really All That Bad, Leaks The Video to TMZ, Is Ordered Into Its Manhattan Offices, And Then Sits And Watches The Video With It Just Laughing His Ass Off

Commenter Vin SKEWERS Insidery Blog Post

Keith Olberman walks into an elevator. OUCH!

Thank you for laying that out. I have no direct exposure to domestic violence nor do I study or cover it, which apparently describes a large percentage of us, a percentage large enough to minimize or ignore its impact and prevalence, thus enabling the saga in question.