
McDonaugh, Hawks President, has a stranglehold on the press here. All negative press gets squashed ASAP. There has been rumors for awhile that if a reporter writes something bad , press credential will get pulled or worse. Just look at what happened to Josh Mora and Susannah Collins.

(Geno, mumbling to himself) ...and with a few well-placed lines, I’ve turned this into a $688.88 check. HA!

People questioned how the media should treat stories like this one of the last times this was brought up. But I think when you look at how glaring this news is when it isn’t reported, it demonstrates exactly why it should be talked about.

Same thing on WGN news last night. (Hey, it came on after the Cubs game.) They opened with a long discussion of the EA cover decision and it was only near the very end of the story that they revealed just why EA had made that decision. I read an article in the Chicago Tribune about the impact of the story in Buffalo

What do you expect? It’s the first round of the PGA championship!

This still represented a vast improvement over the previous day’s practice, when Manuel’s first pass was intercepted and returned for a touchdown by the Patriots' corporate hospitality tent.

Barber: What kind of look are you going for, bud?

I think this country has enough assholes running around. We don't need another one occupying public office.

Every NFL fight sucks but this one:

The Star-Tribune deserves to catch some shit too. Now all of a sudden they’re reporting on all of Teague’s settlements. You’d think someone at the paper would’ve looked into him after Rayno told them what happened to her.

Well, I think you now know what you must do: convince Burneko to try it.

Roger Goodell would have fit in splendidly on that stage in Cleveland last night.

Here’s a true story. I’m from Florida, I’ve lived there my entire life. When I was 26 I married my wife, who was also from Florida, and we honeymooned at Niagara Falls. Canada has black squirrels; Florida does not. I didn’t know such a thing even existed. We thought this shit was so insane that we decided we would get

You must live in a gated community.

It’s just following the thought process that seems to be endemic among contemporary conservatives. “This thing is broken, but everybody knows it’s broken, so any attempt to fix it, or even dare to point out how broken it is, is silly.” It’s the same argument made against any attempts to fix healthcare, gun rights,

I remember the day that my roommate was going to the 2005 anti-Iraq protests, signs in hand, ready to make a difference. On the way out the door, he saw Jon Stewart making a fart noise. Content, he threw his signs in the garbage and moved along.

If you can’t see the differences between Sandy Hook & Charleston you are both blind & ignorant of the world around you.

I’m amazed — AMAZED — the author uses three names to identify himself.

“that I decided I’d rather be friends with Carlson instead.”

No sentient human being would ever say that. Unless they were a humongous douchebag.